JW DF'd Over UN Issue Commends Silentlambs

by FreePeace 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreePeace

    Below is an e-mail I received from a former sister in the Pacific Northwest. She was DF'd several months ago for discovering and asking about the UN controversy.

    Being rather inexperienced with the Internet, she stumbled onto Freeminds.org (I believe) and printed out info on the WTS's UN connection. She was unaware that it was an "apostate site" (damn apostates!). She showed it to her son, who promptly turned her in to the elders. She was DF'd in a Kangaroo Court.

    She gave me permission to post a bit of her story here. I have withheld her name per her request. I told her that I would forward any comments to her.


    Dear Ones,

    The Dateline airing last night was absolutely wonderful-you all did a superb job. I am one who they DF’d this past spring at my doorstep in front of my wonderful non-believing husband that I have been married to for 49 years. They said he was a non-believer even though he went to meetings and assemblies with me faithfully, and showed his faithfulness to me and my family for all those years.

    We also sacrificed our beautiful daughter, Janie, who had leukemia, because we didn't give her blood. She died at age 16 in 1983. We were under court order to take her to St. Jude’s in Tennessee, and had a police guard accompany us. Where were all of these wonderful brothers to support me and help me at this time? All they said was “go along with them and it will work out.” It still hurts me to have lost such a beautiful daughter.

    I remember an incident with Brother Sydlig in St. Louis so many years ago. I went up to him at the last big assembly we attended. Because of the heat, my daughter wore a beautiful sundress that had bare shoulders and shoulder straps. It was modest in my eyes and I still have a picture of her in this beautiful dress. What did Brother Sydlig do? He embarrassed me to death by asking “where our lapel cards were, and how hard the brothers had worked to produce them.” I told him Janie had leukemia and was very ill, and we were very fortunate to be there―even without lapel Cards. I told him that I had forgotten them on the motel dresser because of all the stress that her Dad and I were under.

    Then Brother Sydlig said "she needed more clothes-she wasn't modestly dressed.” I apologized and could have crawled in a hole. I hope he apologizes to Jehovah for the mean thing he did to Janie then. I still hurt from this, as our daughter was a precious jewel to us after having 3 boys. Anyway, I am sad that we lost her and I know that someday all wrongs will be righted. Hope is a beautiful thing and we all need hope for something better.

    Much Love,

    [Name withheld], faithful for 42 years serving Jehovah and now because I know too much about [the UN] and Pedophiles here in [the Pacific Northwest], they DF’d me too.

    "The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
    TruthQuest: http://beam.to/truthquest
    Who Am I? -How to Reinvent Yourself After Leaving the WTS

  • Joyzabel

    Wow FP, whoever wrote you that letter, give her a big hug for me.

    I hope more and more people, especially xjws, can heal from their experiences.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Freepeace, is this obscenity or what? Dan Sdylik is suppose to be of the anointed, if that's whom your referring to and for him to treat a sheep this way is inhumane.

    I'm sorry to hear such a story and after serving for 42 years and sacrifices, this is the thanks she gets, expulsiuon? Please pass on my concerned thoughts and tell her their are many here empathize with her.

    Guest 77

    Guest 77

  • slipnslidemaster

    Hug her for me.

    Welcome to the real Truth.

    Slipnslidemaster:"There are no facts, only interpretations."
    - Nietzsche

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Eventually the "apostates" get the best, and The Tower can keep the rest.

    I'm sorry for the loss of her daughter, and for the cheap discourtesy she had to endure from her spiritual "superior." It sounds as if she was really railroaded in her DF'ing, but her eyes are now open.

    She should know she will be welcomed here whenever she wants to stop by.

  • crawdad2

    most jw members think of the gov body and other higher ups as kind loving god fearing men.

    but from what i have seen, they are cruel selfish haughty uncaring liars.
    if you could only associate with them, you would see that the example just given of sydlig, is what they are really like.

    they really know very little about love.

  • metatron

    It's so sad to read this kind of account and realize
    just how much heartache and injury we've all endured at
    the hands of the Watchtower Society. It is a humbling
    experience to face a mirror and admit you've been suckered
    and conned for decades.

    Never again


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Thank you Freepeace for posting this dear lady's story. It completely boggles the mind to know how callous and totally self-absorbed too many of these so-called "shepherds" can be.

    Please let her know how bad we feel for all the pain and suffering her family has gone through at the hands of such totally incompetent dweebs. To go through losing a child because of one scripture being mis-applied, and have more injury heaped on you over learning about the UN scandal, is treatment that is inexcusable.

    Please let her know how welcome she will be here if she chooses to drop in.

    Had Enough

    "Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
    Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
    ...Margaret Mead

  • neyank

    I know that there are many more stories simular to this persons.

    It really is a shame to devote so much of your life to something only to be treated like this.

    "they really know very little about love."

    You're right crawdad.
    But what does love really have to do with selling magazines?

    This is what the WTS is all about.


  • Salud


    Thank you for that. Hopefully that 'sister' has found comfort and solace within the ranks of the 'apostates'. Dan Sydlik was such an ASS. Knowing him personally he is capable of such comments and more.

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