Blood fraction transfusions

by somebody 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I would rather have people be real direct with me and even be confrontive than be evasive and use "tact". This verbal fog the JWs call tact is damned annoying. I don't like to have to spent a lot of time figuring out what people really mean, and if fact, they are out and out lying to me. As the song says "hit me with your best shot, fire away."

    Speaking of songs. You know Somebody, there have been a lot of songs written to women. I just realized that Dean Martin sang one about you: "Everybody loves somebody sometime." Oops, I didn't mean to imply that you are permiscuase (sp?). Forgive me for I have sinned.

  • expatbrit


    The verbal fog used by JW's is pure deception.
    Tact, on the other hand, is clearly conveying a possibly offensive message to someone in a non-offensive manner.

    Since the WT conjures offensive ordure out of nothing on all sorts of subjects, tact is not something they can be accused of.

    Expatbrit (rather tactful, what?).

  • Welshman

    Hi Gang,
    Yes,the 'loving organisation' has now decreed that blood fractions are a conscience issue.But still being terminally stupid they have failed to realise that the blood has to come from somewhere.But JW's don't have the 'privilege' of giving/storing their own blood for treatment.They must rely on 'walking dead' people for the blood,people who they will quite happily accept their God to massacre at Armageddon.
    Gives a new meaning to bloodsuckers,or at least gives leeches a bad name!


    Edited by - Welshman on 24 February 2001 17:17:1

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