Mars has water, what if it did/does have life?

by deceit 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • deceit

    Quote from CNN-

    "In a Perspective piece in this week's Science magazine, Jim Bell, professor of astronomy at Cornell University, suggests these initial findings might just be the "Tip of the Martian Iceberg," and that there may be large subsurface water ice deposits on our neighboring planet"

    "Mars was perhaps a lot like the earth a long time ago, early in its history. The atmospheric pressure may have been higher, the temperature may have been warmer, and liquid water may have been stable on its surface. We see evidence for valleys carved into the rock, for tributaries, all the hallmarks for liquid water flowing on a planet. But Mars today is a very, very cold, very dry, very hostile environment and liquid water is not stable. Liquid water cannot exist on Mars today because the temperature is too cold, and the atmospheric pressure is too thin. So the question is, if Mars was like the earth a long time ago, if it had a lot of liquid water ... responsible for creating some of the land forms that we see, and perhaps being related to Mars once having been a hospitable environment for life, where did all that water go? That's the $64 million question in Mars science today."

    Hopefully within my lifetime I will witness humans walking on Mars.

    If they do find evidence that there was/is life on Mars, wouldnt that throw the whole JW belief out the window?

    How will the Watchtower leadership deal with these new findings?

    New light once again?

    Thousands upon thousands of articles down the drain as to how God created life on earth ONLY and nowhere else!

    hehe, cant wait!!

  • tdogg

    dont hold your breath, there is no life in this solar system. They will travel to Mars a billion times and won't find any life but that which we take there.

  • D8TA
    dont hold your breath, there is no life in this solar system. They will travel to Mars a billion times and won't find any life but that which we take there.

    Err, so is this a statement or an opinion?

    Since no one has actually GONE to Mars yet, and HAS NOT done any type of indepth scientific study on this "water", how can YOU postulate that some kind of life had not or does not exist?


  • metatron

    Au contraire, mon frere!

    It is very likely that Mars has bacterial life below
    the surface of its crust. The earth has enormous amounts
    of bacterial colonies deep underground - miles below
    the surface. The situation is so extreme that astrophysicist
    Thomas Gold suggested that most of the weight of the planets
    weight in our solar system could be bacteria!

    Meteorites from Mars contain microstructures strongly
    resembling bacteria. Strange formations on the Martian
    surface look like growing fungus - and a NASA scientist
    examined the Viking survey from 25 years ago and concluded
    that it had been misinterpreted. He found the results
    consistent with life on Mars.

    Our existence on earth is most likely to be nothing
    too far out of the ordinary in the universe. It is
    more likely that we are rather average than utterly
    unique. If we could achieve world peace, I believe
    first contact would follow since we would no longer
    be a planet of barbarians with nuclear weapons.


  • COMF

    Meteorites from Mars

    Um... how did we come to be in possession of "meteorites from Mars"? Does it cough a few out into space in our direction now and then?

    "Can you believe there are still people suckering for this shit?"
    - J.R. Brown

  • Realist

    asteroids from mars impacted on earth. they were sent into space probably by large asteroid impacts on the mars surface.

    about life on mars: that is highly speculative and anything but likely. nevertheless it is possible. how cells form is still a big mystery and no one knows how likely it is to occur.

  • COMF

    How do we know they're from Mars?

    "Can you believe there are still people suckering for this shit?"
    - J.R. Brown

  • tdogg

    Purely opinion based on fact. If they do find life in this solar system outside of Earth I will apologise for being such a narrow minded fool. People want badly to believe they will find life on Mars or a moon of Jupiter but that wont make it so.

    All we have found is a bunch of rocks: fact
    All we will find is a bunch more rocks: opinion

    I agree with deceit that it would be hillarious to watch the WT try to deal with anyone actually finding life out there. But I'm not holding my breath.

  • julien
    How do we know they're from Mars?

    I suggest you post this question on and a scientist will answer you.

  • Realist

    unique mineral composition.

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