Who Benefits from the Multi-Billion Dollar Real Estate Empire that is WT?

by TTATTelder 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tech49

    So I have a question, something along a similar vein to the original post.  I dont mean to detract from the original question.

    Specifically relating to the GB and other higher-ups.... do they pay taxes?  Doesn't their free housing, food, plane tickets, laundry, medical care, hotels etc etc etc count as taxable income?  The true real-world value can be easily calculated, so is it? 

    The "brothers" claim that their "clergy" is not paid, but the reality is much different!!

    I know that if my business receives "perks", or even reimbursements, I have to pay taxes on them, as a MISC INCOME.

  • geevee
    Here where I live, we had to sub-divide the land the hall was on, and sell the spare block of land. So we had to get the kh land title back from the society. While it was here, the solicitor that was handling the transaction asked about the hall title and what to do with it, we said send it back to headquarters and he was reluctant to do it. He said we could hold it as a committee ourselves.... that would have upset the hen house wouldn't it!
  • TTATTelder
     Doesn't their free housing, food, plane tickets, laundry, medical care, hotels etc etc etc count as taxable income?  The true real-world value can be easily calculated, so is it? - Tech49

    Excellent question. I'm sure it varies from country to country as far as what the laws are. My assumption is that these guys get away with the perks as business travel/expenses and such and do not file any income for taxes unless they receive something like a social security check, inheritance, etc. 

    An equally interesting question is - do these guys report the green handshake money?

    LOL....Of course not!!!! 


  • Tech49

    Yes, it may vary, depending upon the country.  The head 7 leaders of WTBS are in the USA, and so SHOULD be accountable to its State and Federal laws...........And so wouldn't that be against the law, ie ILLEGAL ??  I know that wait staff at restaurants are legally required to report tip income, much of it being cash.  Not reporting it, and/or under-reporting can be basis for IRS troubles, ie. tax evasion.  So these guys can get away with it, just cause they're Gods mouthpiece?

    Answer:  of course they do, as Ceasar's laws only apply when convenient.   They ARE in fact a paid clergy, they just dont admit it... in fact they openly LIE and tell the rank and file that only Christendom has such. 

    Blatant lies and misdirection.

  • Chaserious

    In the US, ministers don't have to pay taxes on housing costs used in the course of providing ministerial services, whether it's free housing or an allowance.  Medical expenses are not taxable for anyone.  Even if you work for a for-profit company you don't pay tax on what your employer pays for your health insurance.

    Same goes for hotel and plane tickets - if you travel for business for a private employer, you don't have to pay taxes on what that costs.  Now if the WTS was paying for a pure vacation, it might be income. But you can bet whenever a GB member goes to Fiji, he gives a talk and thus it's the equivalent of business travel. Just one of the perks of the job.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Green handshakes are a "gift". In the US, as long as the gift is below a certain dollar amount (pretty good sized) then they wouldn't have to report it. I mean, do you report if a friend gives you a gift? It's not a tip.

    I've often wondered if there was some shadowy figures pulling the strings but some of their moves are so stupid that I doubt it. I think they simply believe that making money off of real estate ensures a constant cash flow stream that will allow them to continue the religion. It's about survival and I think they realized that 1) Armageddon isn't coming anytime soon and 2) divine intervention isn't going to happen. So, they are simply doing that they feel they need to do to keep it going. 

    Yeah, the heavies get perks but the biggest perk is the worship of 8 million people and the power trip that comes from controlling people's lives.

  • OnTheWayOut
    I don't know it for a fact, but I know it for a fact anyway.  The GB in the United States pay no income taxes.  At the very least, they claim the allowable portion of green handshakes and pay nothing.  They don't own their rooming or really have anything of significant value that they didn't already pay taxes on before they made it to the ivory tower.
  • JWdaughter
    Not to insult pimps, but why is the GB member dressed up in pimp clothes?
  • zeb

    The line that jumped out at me was .."outsourcing of printing". That has a score of implications for those who slave away making mags and the books.

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