by crawdad2 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • crawdad2

    here's what they do,

    the 16 yr old girl get's raped by a 26 yr old ministerial servant,
    so she goes to the elders about it.
    the elders arrange a judicial committe meeting and listen to both sides of the story........
    then they go to a room for five minutes and come back, and tell her that they are going to privately reprove both of them.........."furious", she asks what she is being reproved for, and they say "fornication".
    they remind both of them to not gossip about it or tell anyone.
    because it will bring reproach on jehovahs organization.

    the girl, then goes to other elders, and appeals the elders decision, and complains that SHE GOT RAPED!!!!.....she gets another committe meeting,,,,,they quickly come to the same decision and warn her to keep quiet,,,,,,,she goes to other elders.....they promise to help her...they believe her, ...days go by.........months go by...........she is in a meeting when they announce that brother rapist has been given a part on the assembly.........everyone claps........she goes back to the elders asking them how it is that he just got a part on the assembly, when he just raped her............they start reminding her to be submissive to the lead or they will take action,.....she can't keep quiet........they anounce that she has been reproved.........she starts speaking out against the whole body of elders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bingo, she is disfellowshipped for apostacy, and there is no value to her claims at all,,,,,,,,she was just an apostate fornicater, trying to smear a nice brother.....

  • DazedAndConfused

    Is this a hypothetical example or a true story? Just curious.

  • chezza

    Sounds just like another day at the office of the kingdom hall judicial comitee.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    what a story, what a thing

    those elders are really protecting the flock before raped girls.
    a raped girl has no value, seems nothing worth to be protected and the flock needs examples.
    as there were no 2 witnesses it is logical that the girl is wrong.
    why disfellowhsipping a qualified young man?
    1 ms less means more work for the elders.
    a girl cannot serve. and being raped means she is no clean virgin.
    what a male thinking this underlines
    I guess in this congregation the women march 3 steps behind the men with the daughters while the men walk ahead with the sons.
    how equal and righteous is life over there?
    send the lawyers and legal consultants to desert. may they excommunicate the dingos and cojotes for howling to much.
    as persecution does not come by governments they make it by own tactics.
    what a disqualified couple of men. I t seems they are castrated and sing now the high "C" in the choir of mad dog doctrines.

  • crawdad2

    hi dazed,
    it's a hypothetical simplified combination of several cases i knew about.
    i, and everyone who was outraged, were reminded to be submissive to the lead, and stop speaking out against the body of elders.....wait on jehovah...

    along with the reproof come the special needs talks from the platform, ....stop murmuring,(there was alot of murmuring) stop speaking out against the appointed lead...don't divide the cong,......wait on jehovah..
    guess what, the murmuring didn't stop,.......more talks were given, and those speaking out the loudest were taken in the back room and questioned (me) as to if they were going to be submissive to "GOD'S VISIBLE LEAD"..........soon the victim is isolated, very few people want to get disfellowshipped over "her" problems, and she finds herself alone in her battle.

    then, when you realize that brother rape had to be "recomended" by the body of elders, to get a talk on the assembly, and then you realize they are all in it together, even the district and circuit overseers,....cause they were both called by the rape victim.....and assured that justice would be done,//// just wait on jehovah.

    after that, when you speak out, you are speaking out against the whole body of elders, and the circuit and district overseer....... want to talk to the gov body?.......guess who they are going to support?...they send a letter back to your local body of elders saying it might be in the best interests of the organization to disfellowship you, since you are questioning the authority of god's visible channel.

    if she would have just called the police...

  • crawdad2

    want more theocratic reasoning???
    ~~~~~>>>>>>>>>JEHOVAH IS MAKING IT MANIFEST!!!<<<<<<<<~~~~~~

    look, who is jehovah blessing?.....the girl or the brother?...jehovah is opening doors for brother rape, jehovah is giving him privileges, jehovah is blessing him, ...cause he is innocent!

    look at the girl,.......the holy spirit is making it manifest,.....she is a murmurer, a rebel, speaking out against the body of elders......a fornicater,...........a trouble maker.

    jehovah is pushing her out of his "clean organization".

  • Keekeedeb

    hey....I know....I am a victam of sexual abuse when I was 13....now I am 40.....it was all quite back then....he was a persiding overseer at that time. I want him to pay for how he has distroyed my life and my husbands life. something WILL be done.he has been in and out of the truth since this all happened....AND in a position of trust again....not if I can help it.......he will pay !!!!!

  • Banshee

    I was publicly reproved after being raped, because I "asked for it" because I was being "rebellious" by wearing fashionable clothing and reading Vogue magazines. Never mind that there was medical evidence proving that I was viciously hurt by the guy and that it was by NO means a consensual thing. Hmmmmm....I feel I can relate to the opening story, somehow.

  • Xandria

    To me this organization has allowed this "cancer" of sexual misconduct to continue. For them to silence the woman/ victim is saying to the preditor ... gooo ahead dear "brother/sister" go victimize some other un-suspecting innocent. Instead of rewarding the preditor and re-victimizing the victim, they need to take action.

    But that is not going to happen. UNLESS... we make them accountable for their decisions and actions. They are not God and by them protecting these people they are telling us that they don't care and they are not following God's word.

    There should be victims rights. PERIOD. An one of those rights should be not to be re-victimized.

    As for compassion: Zechariah 7:9 speaks about being compassionate and execute true judgement and mercy and kindness to every man ( and woman and child) . 7:10 they use to tell us not to speak evil, but then they need to read the other verses too and realize that it also speaks and applys to them too. Because of their heavy and dull ears they are allowing these evils to exhist and continue. In no way should they allow someone who inflicts these crimes on to someone be in a leadership position. These individuals have issues that they need to recieve definate counseling on.

    It also says in 1 Peter 2: 13 : Be submissive to every human institution and authority for the sake of the Lord, whether it be to the empeor as supreme, Or to governers as sent by him to bring vengence ( punishment, justice) to those who do wrong and encourage those who do good service.

    An I say to you all .. ask yourself why ? What does the Eldership have to lose ? What are they protecting by this "code of silence" ? An do they think that they will not be accountable for thier actions and decisions ? Then let me know what you come up with.

    Also when the bible states that we are the "weaker vessel" it means physically. Not Morally or mentally or by any means unable to handle our own issues. To think of us as such ;demeans us as well as what God means.

    We may be under submission to our "husbands" but our husbands are also to submit to us too. Wife doesn't equate =SLAVE. If it is a partnership it has to have trust, commmunication and so forth.

    An as Dennis Miller Says, " That is my story and I am sticking to it. "

    Edited by - xandria on 27 June 2002 23:36:50

  • LB

    OK here's one that actually happened, I know the principles well.

    A 13 year old sister is talking into giving oral sex by an 18 year old baptised boy. She is not baptised yet. Now in oregon this is rape regardless of consent.

    So the boy brags, elders get wind of it and call them both into the back room. Boy admits doing it and said he lost control of his urges and after all she wanted it.

    Girl says she had a beer given to her by him and felt it was more his fault than hers as after all he wanted more than oral. Now she's a minor child, remember

    Boy gets off with no reproof, girl gets announced as a bad association (hardest punishment they can give her) but years later she's still hanging around taking all they can dish out.

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