Do You Really Want Reform, Or...

by Francois 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois
    Francois you want an end to the entire organization of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I'm guessing there is so much money involved, we couldn't hope to see an end to them, but that's what needs to happen IMHO. After all, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker had lots of money associated with their church, and a theme park complete with hotels to boot and they're all gone. (And they continue to have followers who send money to them!!)

    Personally, I feel that attempting to reform the JW cult into a respectable religion would be as large an impossibility as making a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

    But what you you all think? Reform or disestablishment?


  • moman

    Didn't Jesus say something about putting new wine in an old wine skin?

  • IslandWoman


    I think the Society will reform making changes in: their blood policy, the child abuse policy, the shunning practice, the closed door policy towards the younger anointed, the absolute rule elders have in the congregations and other problems.

    I believe they will be forced to make these changes and the younger men close to the top who will eventually move into higher positions will "make it so"!


  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    If the catholic church accepted their wrong doings, why can't the WTS accept their wrong doings? This is what infuriates me the lies. We are taught that LIES originate from SATAN.

    DOES JR BROWN not remember that the WTS instructed ALL the elders on how to respond to child abuse cases?? Hello JR Brown.

    1,000's of JW's & NON-JW's will doubt. Some of them already had doubts & this will be the deciding factor.

    It is clear that JR Brown is defeding the WTS agains law suits -- MONEY-- They don't want to loose "MONEEEY"

    IT's plain to SEE.

    As to reorganization or them going belly up, I don't care. I once believed true heartedly but not anymore.

    It will take time for my little sister & my family to heal from all the damage that the WTS has brought to us by not letting us go to the authorities.

  • JuliG

    I'm hoping for dismantling. Actually I've never seen a religious group that fits so many of the things Christ warned his followers against. I think they are antichrist. I see no hope for apositive outcome - once you change policy then there's doctrine to deal with.

    Shut em down and let them be a curious footnote in religious history.

  • JT


    I agree with you 110%

    wt will either change or die and if history is any indication they will change

    consider the following.

    1. the catholic church---- they used to kill folks for not wanting to be a catholic in the old days , in the year 2002 person, even a catholic can call the pope a Dickhead and not be put to death

    they have changed and therefore they have survived

    2. WT- if you were to bring back folks who were jw in the 1920s'30' 40' they would not reconize the wt.

    just a few examples


    when JR Brown was asked about jw voting - when i was a child he would have stated:

    "Hell NO we don't vote we perfer to die standing on our feet then living on our knees" (got that line from James Brown_ I'm Black and I'm Proud LP)


    look at alternative service- we have folks who died for this stuff instead of taking a job at the hospital


    on the JW web site the wt refers to the ORGANIZATION AS A HUMAN ORG
    in my youth he would have stated


    so the org will change and in a few years even you and perhaps will not reconize wt the way it was when we grew up in it and that is the nature of the beast


  • JosephMalik

    Personally, I feel that attempting to reform the JW cult into a respectable religion would be as large an impossibility as making a silk purse out of a sow's ear.


    I agree. It is not simply a matter of policy. Very little of what Jehovah's Witnesses teach is truth. Hundreds if not thousands of details regarding their doctrines must be radically changed. Their prohibition on taking the bread and wine at the Memorial is in direct conflict of our Lord's command. Their blood policies are evil and unscriptural. They are directly responsible for untold numbers of dead followers and destroyed lives and families. It is not possible to redeem or reclaim such an organization from the blood guilt that the Scriptures place upon them.

    The best approach therefore is to help as many as possible to leave them. In this way they can fulfill their dedication to the Christ to which they think they have dedicated their lives in the first place.


  • AngryXJW

    In the initial stages of my exit, I genuinely hoped that "reform" could be affected in some way.

    However, at some point, it finally dawned on me:


    Death is a possibility in the next decade as time puts pressure on doctrines relating to the "anointed leadership", end-time predictions, etc. JWs will face many of the same problems (and hopefully results) as did WCOG after Herb kicked the bucket.

  • moman

    Did Jesus try to reform the religious leaders of his day?

  • IslandWoman


    I agree. It is not simply a matter of policy. Very little of what Jehovah's Witnesses teach is truth. Hundreds if not thousands of details regarding their doctrines must be radically changed.

    JW's should not harbor criminals and some major policies need to changed but the changing of "hundreds if not thousands of details" of their religion is a personal religious matter. I don't know of any Christian religion whose "hundreds if not thousands of details" do not disagree with some other Christian religion. They all pick and choose what they like! But that's another subject.


    wt will either change or die and if history is any indication they will change
    In comparison to the Catholic policy of attempting to maintain their old ways of worship, the JWs have made changes at a lightning speed pace!

    Their favorite "new light" phrase will come in handy again soon I am sure.


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