Some of the sediments in Northern America are up to two miles deep. This is especially true for central part where intracoastal seaway connected Hudson Bay with Gulf of Mexico, but over the time it was filled with deposits. Therefore, it is also difficult to understand what is the cause for Madrid fault in middle of the country, due the rift being filled with sediments. Northern America has a lot of craters (Catskills, Chesapeake Bay, Yucatan, Manicouagan), which are well studied cases.
It's very likely if humans originated in that general area of the world
that it would be completely flooded without it everything
Nope, humans originated in Eastern Africa and the migration is well documented from numerous evidences in archeology, biology, paleontology,... Israel is in the middle of rift between several tectonic plates that pushes African Plate northwest and Arabian plate south east/east. There are also microplates like Anatolian, which have own direction of movements. One point Mediterranean sea was closed, causing a huge issue with global climate as it almost dried up. Water level in enclosed area can fluctuate by several hundred feet, and this also evident by Booneville lake. Israel topo features are not unique.
Earth potentially having had a ice ring similar to Saturn
No, there are not evidence to , it is another pitiful attempt of evangelical creationists to come up with explanation of Stone Age myth as a scientific proof. Last time Earth was significantly covered with ice was 550 ma when most of the surface was covered with glacier with the exception of equator. This is known as snowball effect, and the ozone layer is the legacy of this glaciation.
ancient civilizations living in both North and South America at the time of the supposed flood occurring
Not only there, but also in China. There is no whatsoever any evidence of global flood around 2200BC. Not single one. Egypt was already advanced civilization, and human population was already distributed everywhere around the globe even in Australia. The number of people around the time was close to 30 millions. European neolithic is well studied subject for last 200 years, and there is nowhere a break of population habitat in Europe around the time of flood.