My mother called me again to talk about Dateline and the fall out at the cong.
She said the elder (or guy giving the talk-I am not sure if it was book study or a meeting) read a letter from the society saying:
"It is all apostates who are doing this"
"They are trying to undo the preaching work"
"This proves we are in the last days and Satan is after us...we are being persecuted"
My mothers comments to me:
"They are bovines...they have bovine brains...they will blindly follow those stupid men, just like cows to slaughter"
"They are reciting what they have been programmed to say" (HELLO!!!)
"In the bible it says people will say whats bad is good and what is good is bad"
She said the elder (I do know who she was talking gave me chills to hear his name) said that you cannot believe these claims...there were not two witnesses and the Brothers being accused were being unjustly accused.
This fired up my Mom...she said to the elder (I tried to write it down but she was on a roll)
"So, the innocent child should come forward and tell the elders that he/she is being molested? The molester is waiting for two witnesses. How many molestors come forward and get witnesses to the act?!"
She further told them that the policy of not telling the police was stupid...the elders are not trained as police or social workers.
She got all these comments from me. I am proud of her for standing up.
I asked her if she were not afraid that they would question her loyalty and DF her.
"No, those bastards know that I will fight them like a tiger...they are women hating misanthrops and they are afraid of me for speaking out."
You Go Mom!!!
I am sending her the video I taped and I am going to try to buy CoC today to send her.