Has anyone ever seen a statement in one the WTS publications saying that a limited nuclear exchange could start the great tribulation? I seem to remember that from my childhood days at the book study.
Nuclear bomb dropped to start GT?
by blondie 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
I found it.
*** g83 12/22 7 No Nuclear Armageddon! ***
World events indicate that the expression of God’s judgment is due at any time. Thus the following prophecy must also shortly undergo fulfillment: “Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them.” (1 Thessalonians 5:3) While not ruling out conventional wars or even a possible limited atomic war, this scripture does rule out a nuclear holocaust. How so? Well, ask yourself: After a nuclear holocaust, who would be left to cry out “peace”? And if there were survivors, just how much reason would they have to cry out “security,” living as they would be upon a radioactive, polluted earth? -
I don't remember them saying that it could start the GT but that limited use nuclear power was possible during that time.I may be wrong.I suppose they could have hinted that nuclear use could be a trigger.
I just remember that they explained that there was no need for undue fear because we know any use of nuclear devices would be limited according to scriptures such as the ones that say the earth stands forever....God is ruining those ruining the earth ect.....
No matter what they said they were using fear disgused as comfort to control us.
Nathan Natas
So did the Great Tribulation begin with Hiroshima or Nagasaki?
Please read your Bibles.
The thing that will trigger Armageddon is the destruction of Babylon the Great by the U.N. According to Daniel, Japan, Russia and the US would give up sovereignty at the time the 4th beast, Babylon the Great, is destroyed by fire and they would be extended life for "a time and a season" which is 1 year and 3 months.
But, the threat of nuclear exchange or an actual exchange might hasten the world government through the UN. I see that as being in a direct line to get Americans to give into a world government and to destroy the influence of Freemasonry world money brokers in an effort to finally have "world peace and security".
At any rate, the world climate is very much as prophesied by the Bible. So it's really good news. The end is critically near.
*EXACTLY*, Nathan.
Nathan, Alamagordo Air Base, New Mexico. Sorry, I been rolling with pages from the Watchtower again.
District Overbeer
Larsguy, you said this threat of nuclear war is "good news". Well you truly are sick and I hope God forgives you because "you do not know".
Hi ballistic:
Larsguy, you said this threat of nuclear war is "good news". Well you truly are sick and I hope God forgives you because "you do not know".
I meant that as a conditional comment in context. "But as these things start to occur, raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up, because your deliverance is getting near."L.G.
raise yourselves erect and lift your heads up
(Sorry, feeling like Bevis and Butthead)
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
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