If an organisation believes it has a scriptural reason to exist (although the scriptures do not support a global religious master organisation over all believers), then their purpose is to spiritually support the congregations it oversees. The only 'food' they should consider is the bible. And they can 'recruit' people to provide that 'food' and those people can be supplied just enough money to have a regular life as an evangelist (also not as Paul did because he worked to support himself). In such a setup, the organisation would never run out of money as there is hardly any money involved in the first place.
But the WBTS has built an religious empire. Always used "size of the organisation" as proof of heavenly support. But such a setup is no longer sustainable by voluntary donations. It needs heavy income streams in order to maintain, renew and grow their portfolio. They have to cover for losses, unexpected damages and costs and at the same time, generate funds to support future expenses.
In other words, it is no longers a religious organisation, but a commercial enterprise with religion as their main product.
Not unique in the world though. I guess all so-called religious organisation are or have become commercial enterprises. The hypocrisy in here is that the WBTS always marketed themselves as being different,
Well, as Jesus said (my wording): you recognize the sanity of a tree through its fruits.
I just hope that one day, governments and tax authorities will review the Charity rules and make a policy that all profits (the difference between original purchase price and current sales price) is returned to a dedicated charity fund from which other charities can be funded or supported. Charities or relgious organisation should not be allowed to undertake commercial activities, in any form, not via real estate, shares etc.
In my view, when someone is exempt from tax, he should also not be able to make profits.