LOL!! The Eldubs sure are taking the lead in following other humans!
Here is the problem with paradise earth, it's never mentioned in the scriptures. Saying that the "meek shall inherit the earth" can mean "land." Poor people were told that if they are meek, they will get some land of their own...someday. Those people all died.
You can say, " May the King live to time indefinite!! ", that's just a colloquial saying, cause he died like everyone else. People being promised a future reward is the carrot.
You have to make a HUGE assumption about a matter the scriptures are silent about, if you want paradise earth. You have to assume that YHWH wanted Adam and Eve and all their children to remain on Earth forever. We simply don't know what Jeehoober's plan was, only that he couldn't control his heavenly children or couldn't forsee the rebellion coming. Then he "allowed" things to go to shit, just so he can say, " I told you I was awesome."