USFlagChucking JW Appears On Today's PEOPLES COURT

by AngryXJW 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AngryXJW

    Just finished watching a PEOPLE'S COURT case which involved a female JW landlord, who was suing a former tenant (also female) for breaching an apartment lease by moving out prior to the exiration of the lease, damage to the apt, etc. The JW won the case.

    The ex-tenant attempted to defend the breach by relating that the JW landlord must have been repeatedly illegally entering her apartment when the tenant wasn't home, since she had been told by other tenants that the landlord had made comments (gossiped) about the tenant's furniture, lifestyle, etc.

    BIGGIE!!! Tenant related one specific instance that JW Landlord "admitted to" entering her apt when she was not there.

    After 9/11/01, Tenant had placed an American flag in her apt window. JW Landlord admitted entering the apt and taking down the flag.

    Judge Milian proceeded to lecture the Landlord on the illegal entry, as well as intruding on the tenant's patriotic rights. JW acknowledged the wrong and apologized for such, but indicated that she did so because she did not want to take sides and that the flag in the window was making a statement for every person living in the building, including the Landord. (paraphrasing) The Judge's comeback made her clarify that she was "against terrorism", but not against peoples of other countries. (Wish I had taped this.)

    When ruling, Judge Milian chewed the JW out a second time, and even asked if she (JW) wanted to take down the courtroom's flag.

    Although I was convinced the Landlord was a JW, nothing had been said about JWs, Bible, etc. up to this point.

    However, during the post-trial interview, the issue was raised again, and this time JW stated that she was just trying to remain neutral (my only recollection of the use of the word) "according to the Scriptures."

    I just wish someone on the program would have mentioned that this flag desecrating "busybody" was a typical JW.

  • JeffT

    I don't know about the laws where People's Court is taped (California?), but here in Washington the landlady would have got her butt handed to her. I've worked in the multi-family industry for 18 years. Invasion of privacy by the owner or his agents is grounds for 1) breaking the lease and 2)a bigtime lawsuit and 3) a criminal complaint.

    I think the judge made a bonehead decision.

  • Farkel

    I agree. The judge's decision was stupid and let a law-breaker off the hook.

    : JW acknowledged the wrong and apologized for such, but indicated that she did so because she did not want to take sides and that the flag in the window was making a statement for every person living in the building, including the Landord. (paraphrasing) The Judge's comeback made her clarify that she was "against terrorism", but not against peoples of other countries. (Wish I had taped this.)

    What an absolute jerk! This is AMERICA, you fucking moron! We have the right to fly our OWN flag and any foreigner who doesn't like it can go fornicate themselves. (That includes idiotic dubs who enjoy all their freedoms and sit on their fat asses doing nothing when others are dying for those freedom.)

    I would bitch-slap that stupid landlady in a heart-beat if I had the chance.

    [Edited to remove offensive statements]


  • LDH

    Although this show airs during the day, I rarely watch it (or any other) .

    However, it re-runs late at night so I will tape it.


  • Hmmm

    What I find most disturbing about this whole case is that people still watch The People's Court

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Hey! I happen to LIKE Peoples Court!

    Judge Milain Rocks!


    However, I wish people would dress a little better. being their chance to be seen on national televsion

  • plmkrzy
    I just wish someone on the program would have mentioned that this flag desecrating "busybody" was a typical JW.

    There is a possibility that this woman may not be a JW. Even if it is a remote one it is still a possibility. I can't believe how Quick everyone is to jump on a band wagon and start slinging shit before the facts are actually known.

    Granted...JWs do not salute the American Flag, nor anyother flag.
    At my sons graduation one of our guests is from Canada. She refused to participate in the flag salute. "The American Flag salute"
    She stood with everyone but did not sing the National Anthem nor salute the flag.
    I could have called her names and accused her of desigrating my countrys flag and symbol but why would I.

    No one in my family has EVER DESICRATED the American flag EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

    I take all of your foul shitty remarks personal.
    edited to remove foul shitty remarks

    [email protected]

  • dungbeetle

    bad day plmcrzy?

    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( plmcrzy ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


  • AngryXJW

    First, the ex-tenant lost on damages due to ackowledgment, and lost on breach due to failure to prove any other illegal entries other than the admitted one, plus early move-out didn't occur until 5 months after the flag incident occurred.

    Second, anyone who has been around JWs for any reasonable period of time would give this a 99.9999% probability of being a JDub.

    Third, to equate a visiting Canuck's failure to salute the US flag with what occurred here is simply "PLUM DUMB".

  • plmkrzy


    Your not talking about someone that will not typically salute the flag.
    Your talking about Breaking and entering and destruction of other peoples property.

    I may have my own way of believing.
    I may have my own faith.
    I may not like other peoples doctrins and policies.

    But I am not SO STUPID as to go around making false alligations about a PRACTICLLY entire race of people(IN A SENSE) Based on my personal hatred for some.

    You are a fool If you think that is being dumb to prefer NOT to think with such a SLAMED SHUT mind.

    Your the Dum one AS**OLE!

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