Any good answers at this Sunday's WT?

by Lemonp 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2

    It seems to me that the GB used the illustration to promote themselves and to promote the preaching work of JWs, without clear scriptural backing for either.

    X2, not just seems, it IS !

    Red flags all over the place for me on this WT, will wait till the next one to get back to a meeting and go from there. This particular issue of the WT reeks self promotion as so well put it Torn In Two

  • Ding

    It seems to me that the GB used the illustration to promote themselves and to promote the preaching work of JWs, without clear scriptural backing for either.

    This is true of 99% of the stuff that appears in the Watchtower these days...

  • Introvert 2
  • Lemonp

    I thought too, How can the two Good Slaves be literal, but the bad one is only an imaginary warning?

    Jesus talked about him the same as the others, it wasn't a case of IF you don't work!

  • menrov

    I have not gone for months. However, I had a chat / discussion with my wife on the meaning of illustrations (definition, purpose) and if a parable / illustration is equal to a prophecy....

    Anyway, at some point paragraph 8 in the study Will You Keep Awake came up, I believe a study article from 2 weeks ago, It reads:

    8 They have indeed! Throughout the last days, anointed Christians have acted like those discreet virgins, prepared to carry out their assignment faithfully until the end. They count the cost of faithful service, realizing from the outset that their assignment will mean giving up many of the material advantages available in Satan’s world. They devote themselves exclusively to Jehovah and serve him, not with some date or deadline in mind, but out of love and loyalty to him and to his Son. They maintain their integrity, refusing to adopt the spirit of this wicked world and its materialistic, immoral, and selfish attitudes. They thus remain ready, steadily shining as illuminators, undaunted by any apparent delay in the arrival of the Bridegroom.

    I asked who the THEY are and she said the anointed. OK I said, so that means that all things mentioned here in this paragraph (and actually all parables discussed) are about the remaining anointed on earth, say some 14.000? Or in other words, these words do not apply to all other say 8 million JWs ? And why are about 8 million JW;s gathering to discuss parables that are only meant for the remaining 14.000? Isn't that weird, to say the least??

  • zeb

    so the gb will do a runner with all the money and those behind will say they have been raptured but it is only figurative rapture an anti typical one.

    Apologies' I rarely sink to sarcasm

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