I just talked to a friend who is still a jw and she said there was a letter read last night at her k.hall that said that what was on dateline was a lie and not to listen to it. I asked her if she watched the show and she said yes she had and she couldn't believe the lies that they told. She also said " oh but did you see that girl Erica Larson was wearing a cross on her necklace?" I said "so?" " well " she says "i wouldn't believe anything she says anyway , i mean after all she is disfellowshipped and is an apostate and you can't believe them at all" After i swallowing all the words that sprang up into my mouth i said "oh ok" and i walked away. If i said what came to my head at that moment i would never get any information out of her again , and she is a good source of info from the inside. did anyone else hear what this letter said?
letter read last night at all meetings
by annalice 13 Replies latest jw friends
I would love to see a copy of this letter. But, just because Erica wore a cross makes her a liar? The JW Spin Docotors have been working overtime on these poor saps.
And, they don't think they are brainwashed? Never mind those jerks are serving prison terms, huh?
What the others have said about the letter is fairly accurate. My meeting was so chaotic I could hardly hear, it went oveertime, and I left before it was over.
Who cares what the Witnesses say. The supplu of converts and money is drying up, they are destroying themselves, they are going nowhere, they waste my time.
I was there and heard the letter read. I made sure to
listen to it very carefully. There was absolutley nothing
said about not watching the show. The name of the show was
not mentioned in the letter.JUST THE FACTS
: There was absolutley nothing
said about not watching the show. The name of the show was
not mentioned in the letter.
: JUST THE FACTSHere are some facts for you: the society has sent different versions of the same letters to congregations suspected of harboring renegade dubs. If that "different" information shows up on public discussion boards, the society knows where they came from and then has the evidence to bust those dubs and silence them.
She wears a cross........I wear a wedding ring.......
oooooo both are pagan..... is something wrong with this picture?
Yea right.
Shes a liar...Lets see,, the rapist was proven guilty in a court of law twice. That would not have happend if there was any doubt whatsoever. Even O.J.s case was dismissed and everyone knew he did it. There must have been massive evidence in order for this case to be proven and proven again, especially at such a late date.
Letter or no letter, Im sure whoever watched it got the picture. Even if they arent admitting it to themselves or others, Im sure many are thinking about what was said on the program. -
Had Enough
Amazing....the JW said because Erica was wearing a cross, all she says should automatically be considered as "lies".
How about the actual words we all heard the "brother" from the legal department say, that proved the WTS itself was lying.
What is written in the pages of the JW mags is NOT what they put into practice in all congregations....and just because someone's congregation did inform the authorities as they should, there are many more congregations that didn't and instead silenced the victim.
So JW people...let's look at the whole picture here and see all the facts. They speak louder than the printed page.
Had Enough
"Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."...Margaret Mead -
To Farkel:
Can't see any value to different letters, everyone hears
things a little different anyhow and interpretation isn't
the same.Sonoita
Erica Larson was wearing a cross on her necklace?" I said "so?" " well " she says "i wouldn't believe anything she says anyway
So since she did that then she was full of shit right?? Well if that was the case the courts wouldn't have done what they did now would they? This poor person is obviously brainwashed to the Watchtower max and as far as the Watchtower goes, they are indeed the ones truly full of shit.
"Keeping an eye on the Watchtower deviants"