GB has dealt treacherously with Younger Anointed!

by IslandWoman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    The younger anointed (those who came in after 1935) in the Organization are treated by the GB as both a whore and a beloved wife.

    THE WHORE: For years they have published articles whose intent was to denigrate the younger anointed. As a result many of these younger anointed ones have had to fight a spiritual uphill battle with their elders and Circuit Overseers because the Watchtower paints them as falsely claiming spiritual union with the Christ.

    THE BELOVED WIFE: Yet, it is from this group of younger anointed that the GB has picked 5 MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING BODY!!

    Truly, the GB has dealt treacherously with the younger anointed in the Organization. They have acted like a man who after having intercourse with a woman, kicks her out of his bed and spits on her face! This after she has borne him 5 sons!


  • Gopher

    Such unloving/divisive actions are the logical extension of an illogical and unscriptural teaching. "No good tree can bear bad fruit," as Jesus once said.


    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.--Will Rogers, 1879-1935

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Gopher,

    IMO, the declaring of 1935 as some sort of cut off date for the gathering of the anointed resulted in only one thing: the spiritual strangulation of those who continued to be called by God.

    Some were in effect sold into slavery like Joseph was by his older brothers. They have suffered at the hands of overbearing elders and Circuit Overseers who, having served a "long" time in the Org., went on to beat any partakers who seem to have only served a "short" time.

    The Watchtower likes to cite Jesus' words at Luke 22:28 "However, you are the ones that have stuck with me in my trials", in support of their teaching that God would most likely call sons only from among those who have served him for a long time. Yet, Jesus spoke those words to men who at most had spent only about 3 years following him!!!

    Ironically, the Watchtower has dried up its own well because younger ones who have been called by God and who are also capable of taking the lead, have found it necessary to leave the Organization.

    Thanks for your response.


  • LittleToe

    Yup - 1935 and the 144k - the first JW teachings that I re-examined after becoming a Christian (being "anointed").

    I left in January, after surviving just over 6 months in the wilderness.

  • crawdad2

    gee island woman,

    what's wrong with the gov body spiritually killing all of their brothers?
    the wicked kings of isreal and judah used to kill all their own brothers, when they inherited the know, to make sure none of them would try to claim rights to the throne.

    you gotta keep the organization strong!

  • Grunt

    "Ironically, the Watchtower has dried up its own well because younger ones who have been called by God and who are also capable of taking the lead, have found it necessary to leave the Organization."

    Islandwoman, there was no water in that well to begin with. The cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses began with a kook, continued with idiots like Rutherford and is finishing with fools like Fred Franz. All they have done is deny Christ, kill innocents with stupid medical understandings from no vaccinations to no blood, and divide families that should be together other inconsequential disagreements while demanding wives stay with husbands who are having sex with animals. This group of liars and hypocrites have NOTHING to do with God unless of course you believe in Satan and think he is a god. Self-serving, finger pointing, child abusing, wife suppressing, family destroying, money hungry, scripture twisting, SLIME BALLS. Of course that is only my opinion based on forty some odd years of close observation, close contact and study.

  • IslandWoman


    You hit the nail on the head!!


    Regardless of what anyone may think about the Organization as a whole, among its ranks are some very fine people who do love God and their brother.


  • happy man
    happy man

    i think you are a blind boy, forget wordwar 2, forget Ruwanda, forget former Yougosalvia,forget wietnam,on this places so cald christians was killing ther fellow man, despite was the bibel say, dont bee like Cain and cill your brother, i dont wat to use strong words,but this was too much.
    The only peopel who say no to this madness was JW, dont forget that, even if they make misstakes,i think it is minor than this bigg religions show inn wordley conflicts under 1900 centuri.Wher million of millions was killd , sacrefid on the tabel of militarism and nationalism and religion, who tell the poor boys, you are fighting for the lord, inn germany and inn england, in italy, in evry country.
    disscusting .

  • singsongboi

    yeah! the worlds gone mad!!!

    but so has dub city --- you could not call it a haven of peace, could u?

    still mad -- just in different ways..

    poor, poor jws!!!!!

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    "The only peopel who say no to this madness was JW, dont forget that, even if they make misstakes,i think it is minor than this bigg religions show inn wordley conflicts under 1900 centuri.Wher million of millions was killd , sacrefid on the tabel of militarism and nationalism and religion, who tell the poor boys, you are fighting for the lord, inn germany and inn england, in italy, in evry country.
    disscusting ."

    Hmmm.. THE ONLY ONES? What about the omish? How about the memmonites? And I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the Seventh Day Adventists also will not goto war... !!!

    Sorry, you need to get your facts straight.. There ARE other Christian groups that also will not goto war!!!

    Also, just as a refresher for ya, when Christ "picked" you in 1914, you guys WERE going to war.. It wasn't until 1939 or so that the JW's suddenly said that could not goto war...

    If you don't believe me, go look it up in your own literature, you'll find it next to the part where they practiced Christmas, celebrating birthdays, etc... All of this was allowed in 1914 when Christ looked at the earth and saw you (and only you) as doing god's will..!!!

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