After 3 years the JWs are at my door

by Lady Lee 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Who would have thunk?

    Well two little old ladies came knocking at my door, watchtowers in hand and their little sheets of paper.

    Well I asked them point blank if they had seen the show and one of them had and proudly told me that she had not only seen it but taped it. I suggested that the other go to watch it and she said she would.

    Gutsy little ladies I love them.

    They were both horrified about the show and said where there was smoke there was fire so there probably were a few cases. Then they started to say the elders must know... and I cut them off. Told them it happened to me and that I believed every word. They asked a few questions and I told them a bit of my story and they were outraged and actually very supportive.

    The one who saw the show said she was going to start askeing some questions. The other lady immediately pounced on her and warned her that she could be disfellowshipped for asking such questions and doubting. First lady said she didn't care if it they DFed her they had to keep these people out of the org - FD them forever because they will not change and call the police. Oh I just loved the two of them.

    I presented a couple of scenarios - what if only one man showed up at the service meeting this morning or the book study elder did show up and the only male was this abuser that no one knew about. Horrific Ohhhhs from both of them. Was truly wonderful.

    Think I scared them into thinking that there was a lot of things they needed to know. They then said well it didn't happen in OUR congregation at which point I said But how would you know - silence Oh I loved it (think I am waaay too gleeful about this)

    I thanked them both very much and sent them on their way to ask the elder about all of this.

    A not-so-silent lamb

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Lady Lee,

    Loved reading your story...sounds like you took their 'witnessing' opportunity and turned it into one of your own! Fantastic!


  • Mulan

    GOOD JOB!! Sounds like a fun morning!

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Lady Lee,

    We need more householder like you!!!

    I wonder if they would ever use a real life experience like yours at their service meeting, in a part about how to handling molester objections?

    Join the Watchtower or you will die.
    Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
    You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?
  • SixofNine

    Yugo grrl.

  • Scully

    Lee, this was fantastic!!

    Wish you could have caught it on tape!! LOL

    Love, Scully

  • safe4kids

    Lady Lee YOU ROCK!!! Way to go, but seriously, how on earth did you get them to stay there talking to you?? I would have thought that most JWs met with that kind of response, would have left as quickly as possible. You must have quite a way about you


  • Joyzabel

    Lady Lee, you are such a wonderful person. I picked up on your thoughts, "Oh I just loved the two of them." it shows you really care about others and can see the good in them. Then to get them to start thinking, what a smart gal you are

    Love to read accounts like these. Should we make you our new school overseer???


  • Scully

    Lee, this was fantastic!!

    Wish you could have caught it on tape!! LOL

    Love, Scully

  • AjaxMan

    Lady Lee,

    It was great that these two ladies will listen and open up. Most JWs won't do that so much that the scary thing is that it looks like they are like programmed drones.

    Great work.



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