How openminded are you now?

by DannyBear 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • neyank

    Hi DannyBear,

    Openminded: Free from prejudiced conclusions.; amenable to reason; receptive.

    Does being openminded mean that we have to accept something that is insulting to us?
    I believe along with being openminded one must be responsible enough to distingquish between something that is hurtful and insulting and something that is a difference of opinion.

    The line must be drawn on this.
    So someone will ask,who has the right to draw the line and where will it be drawn?
    That's where maturity and common sense comes in.
    Before we claim that someone is closedminded because they will not accept what we say and do, We should ask ourselves,is what I'm saying or doing hurtful and insulting?
    If it is, we are not being openminded but are being insulting.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I have a lot of jumbled thoughts rolling around in my head right now. I will try to make sense of them.
    Tolerance and open-minds go hand in hand I think. Neyank was correct, IMO, in stating

    Openminded: Free from prejudiced conclusions.; amenable to reason; receptive

    , I believe that came from a dictionary?
    But just because we are tolerant and open minded doesn't mean we have to accept everything thrust upon our senses. It just means that we can listen to things without going crazy and berating the person who presents it. It does not mean we have to accept everything we see and hear. And sometimes, we have to say what we feel about something. That is where the other person's open-mindedness and tolerance comes in.
    I think the Society warps that perspective in us. They give us a black and white code to follow. Where in reality, many things are gray.
    Hope this made sense. I know what I want to say, but some days the words just don't flow.

    Edited by - thinkers wife on 25 February 2001 8:8:15

    Edited by - thinkers wife on 25 February 2001 8:9:48

  • DannyBear

    Hi Sass,

    ***Please don't take offence, but you posted in one thread a gross inaccuracy of what took place in another thread and you want Xandit to stick to the thread of your choosing?***

    No offence taken. Please consider this though: Can one question the motives of someone that leaves the conversation(where the inaccuracy was stated) scurries down the road, yells at the top of his voice that that so and so (DannyBear) is a liar, liar. Addressing the entire community, some probably accepting his word for it, others wanting to know more about it. In my oppinion this person was out to smear my name, that was it....he could care less about the fact I made an error. God forbid anyone scrolling through reading posts attributes one statement to the wrong poster! Give me a break.

    One of the reasons I like this forum so much, is the fact that people here are not 'topic' crazy. Topics are not thrown up for every whim of thought. I myself try to limit how many topics I start. So for this guy to do what he did, is indicative of his motives.

    Now as the topic at hand[:)}

    You, RHW were very specific about what being openminded really means, I agree. Thanks for your comments.


  • TR


    I believe the cartoon depicting peeing on a bible is just a gross example of disrespect. I hate the WTS, but I don't think I'm so disrespectful that I'll post a picture of me burning down Brooklyn Bethel.

    It's not too hard to make a mistake and attribute a comment to someone else or misconstrue a comment. You admitted a mistake. I don't think that makes you a liar.


    As TR said about mds "I don't believe that mds has ever shown a personal interest in anyone on this board....He is like an automaton spitting out interpretation." TR if you are out there, I agree completely with your assessment.

    I've tried to follow as many of MDS's posts as possible. He may actually have a personality away from the internet, I don't know. But on line he has shown himself a man with a mission, and shows no empathy to those who have posted with problems. He doesn't seem to respond to those kind of posts. He's here to push his agenda, and that's it, end of story.

    Hey MDS, if you're out there, show us your fellow feeling for others. And don't tell me that your theological ramblings is showing empathy for others. I love you, man!


    Edited by - TR on 25 February 2001 14:21:27

  • RR

    Personally, I've often considered myself open-minded. In fact I entered the JW World with an open-mind, I now believe that's what saved me for the destructive course that so many former JWs take when they leave.

    I accepted what I thought was truth and rejected what I thought was error and if I hadn't made up my mind on something I just put it on the shelf.

    I nev4er cared what people thought of me, but I was well respected for my open-mindedness.

    I am still a God-fearing man, and am very active in my church, thus if I saw someone urinating on a Bible, yes, I would be offended, but not to the point as some do, I understand that this is the world we live in, and people don't have anything better to do, they are victims of their environment, and although I don't fully understand what some behave the way they do, I do know that we live in a sick world, and people do sick things, and you really don't need an excuse to do something that sickening!

    People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

  • amicus

    I'm new to this environment. Although I've been wired into the net for many years, I never participated in a DB before doing so here in December of last year. My viewpoint may not be the norm or even valid in a cyber community.
    I have very strong opinions about human interaction. I think it's natural (and functional) to have consideration for others feelings. It has been my observation that in this virtual environment anonymity is exploited. I hear things said on this DB that I NEVER hear in my fleshly daily contact with others. I think the reasons for this are varied and unique with each occurence. I tend to group these outbursts into three catagories: 1. immaturity, 2. anger, and 3. cowardice.
    I feel that I have been guilty of 1 and 2, while participating on this board. I would like to think that anyone I have offended has forgiven me because I have demonstrated that I'm willing to accept responsibility for my actions, which include apologizing when necessary and changing when warranted.
    One of the most impressive posts I've read here in a while was by Somebody who made a public apology for something she said. I didn't read the offending remark and have no idea what was involved. The humanity she displayed is a model for us all.

    I take offense at someone peeing on a Bible (or the Torah, or the Book of Morman, etc.), burning my country's flag (although I do not respect my country's government), defacing my labor union's insignia, or any other object that is revered. Why? Because this behaviour is usually intended to be offensive!
    When do these things usually occur? Most often in, sometimes in cyberspace. I view these actions as cowardly. If you want to impress me; do them when I am present in the flesh, one on one...then we can take the next step.
    I read Xandit's thread. I didn't respond. I didn't think it worthy of a response. The bear takes no notice of the lone ant scurrying from underneath the log he has just overturned.
    Your views are often criticized here...I don't know how I would react in this environment. I know you appreciate the value of confronting the one who has offended you privately...first. We follow this rule because most often offense is not intended. Rarely is a public expose necessary. I often make mistakes...I don't think I'm alone.
    Perhaps you don't need this lecture. This isn't intended to be a condemnation of your actions. As an inactive Witness living among non-Witnesses I learned what it was like to be alone. I wonder if you, with your unique viewpoint, are learning the same lesson?

  • DannyBear


    *** I hear things said on this DB that I NEVER hear in my fleshly daily contact with others. I think the reasons for this are varied and unique with each occurence. I tend to group these outbursts into three catagories: 1. immaturity, 2. anger, and 3. cowardice.***

    I have come to the same conclusion Amicus. Believe me the respect and civil tone, reflected on this forum, is noticeably different than several other well known sites.

    I don't think I can remember in my entire adult life, anyone ever in my face calling me a liar. It simply just doesn't happen. But like you say due to immaturity, anger, or outright cowardice, some feel that they can get away with it. I don't think they can. They deminish themselves and create an atmosphere of hostility...allowing others to test the limits of civility. I have had my fill of this type, intellegent or learned makes no difference to me, if they can't keep a civil tounge...they don't deserve honor or respect.

    Thanks for your comments, sometimes I think my ugly Jw spirit of judgementalism rears it head, I do try to be as open and willing to listen to anyone's ideas. But sometimes you have to set the boundaries, even if it is a dear friend or aquaintance.

    I really appreciated hearing from Ioian, Neyank, Philo, TW and the rest of your comments...sometimes you just need to hear...even if the answers are not what you wanted.


  • momzcrazy

    Very open minded. Of course if you read my posts that is a little too obvious. I was too openminded in witless terms before I left though.


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