Dateline: A More Critical Dub Viewpoint.

by Englishman 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Makena1

    quote: Is this God's plan?

    Obviously not. It is never part of God's plan for man to sin, even his servants"

    I thought in JW speak, long ago there were told that God does not plan, he purposes? Men make plans that can go awry, but God does not need to plan - what he purposes comes to be. C'mon get with the program of "pure language"! LOL


    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • Princess

    Thanks for providing the link eman. I agree that Chris is incredibly arrogant and amazingly trusting of the elders ability to reform pedophiles. I would have to ask him if he would be willing to leave his children alone for a day knowing that a car group would be in his neighborhood with a pedophile amongst them. Would he trust that the pedophile would be accompanied by a "mature christian" or would he want to be with his kids, just in case? Might get him to think about that for a minute or two.

    What Bill has accomplished with Silentlambs and Dateline is marvelous. He has turned Jehovah's Witnesses into defenders of pedophiles. Parents will turn against them in droves.


    "Consider the lilies of the goddamn field" -Ulysses Everett McGill

  • outnfree

    I read the whole thing all the way through.
    I am sickened.

    I would like to thank ZIONHERALD (just in case s/he also posts here) for bringing up many fine points, especially "Is the DF's accuser ever invited back in?" Of course, that begs the question, "would they want to be if they had to watch their spiritually unsanctioned molester continue to be a member in good standing?"

    Posting this will bring it back to the top, where I think it should be so that those on the board fighting for reform from within can see how the loyalist JW is going to rationalize the right of pedophiles to be forgiven AND to go door-to-door in the ministry as being scripturally required.

    The lack of fellow-feeling for the victims and their families is astounding!

    Now I REALLY feel like I'm butting my head against a wall!

    As a result of this, I understand why taking the issue public is the MORE EFFECTIVE way to wage the campaign to protect the little ones.


    When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. -- Jonathan Swift

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Honestly, what reaction would you really expect from JW's about the Dateline expose? Go back in time to when WE were dubs and I can almost hear the words of defense coming out of my own mouth. That's why it is so frustrating to us. We were there once and are there no longer.

    I know that in the case of my 77 year old mother, it is easier for her to simply let the WTS do her critical thinking for her. It wouldn't matter if they produced a television documentary that showed actual abuse of children by elders and others at a Kingdom Hall, she would accept the societies line. That's how we know it truly is a brainwashing cult. Sad, very sad, but true.

  • JT

    Honestly, what reaction would you really expect from JW's about the Dateline expose?

    i agree sometime it amazes me to see former jw speak on issues as if they are are shocked,

    a loyal jw is given 2 choices

    1. you are with the society,jah, jesus

    2 you are with satan and the world

    choice is pretty simple

    and this is how everything in wt is presented to rank and file


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