Classical Music

by RedhorseWoman 17 Replies latest social entertainment

  • RedhorseWoman

    Seven, you just triggered some very good memories for me. One of the few worldly friends I was allowed to have (for a short time until her family moved away) had an aunt who owned a large house on Narragansett Bay. I was allowed to go with my friend to visit her several times, and I well remember spending summer evenings in her large living room--French doors open to the sound of the surf--where we would play cribbage and canasta.

    I didn't even try to witness to them (those were my evil years, I guess).

  • RedhorseWoman

    TW, I love Kenny Wayne Shepherd...also Jonny Lang. Do you have any other good suggestions?

  • eyes_opened

    May I just say you all have awesome taste in music You guys have listed some of my faves. Mozart, Sara Hickman, Sara Mclachlan, Tim and Mollie O'Brien, The Dixie Chicks, too many to name! And I love the blues too. Saw A great austin city limits last night, had Kenny Wayne Shepherd and JOhnny Lang, along with a woman <can't recall her name darn it> and Stevie Ray's band. If you guys like blues you HAVE to check out Ian moore. He is really cool. here's a link to one of his favorite songs of mine. It's called Four Winds here's the URL:


    then click on the four winds hotlink


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

    Edited by eyes cause she just learned if you put somthin' before the link it makes it clickable! *grin*

    Edited by - eyes_opened on 28 February 2001 22:22:10

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    That was a beautiful clip. Just that little bit moved me. I'll have to check out getting that. I like opera too.
    The only one that comes to mind immediately is Gordon Lightfoot. If you don't have any, get Gord's Gold first. It is wonderful. I'll check out our blues collection and tell you later. Too early in the morning to think

  • RedhorseWoman

    TW, I've got Gord's Gold. I haven't listened to it in awhile. Now I'm going to have to locate it once again.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Definitely get the cd Hot Flash, the group is called Saffire. An all women band.
    You will enjoy some excellent blues!!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Wanted to put this back at the top so you would read it!

  • RedhorseWoman

    TW, I just got to hear a sample of Saffire on the database. They are great! Thanks for the tip.

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