I found this on an old journal and cleaned it up a bit. In order to share it with some of you. I've thought about this matter at length and I still feel the same way about soulfulness and spirituality. I never agreed with the WT on these matters. I only recently realized I've always been apostate.
Soulfulness leads to spirituality. Spirituality is a state of fullness, an amplitude. With spirituality we see with a larger vision. The whole comes into view. We grasp what the philosophers call "coincidence of opposites." We see things holistically, not as objectified parts. We have reverence for all things, and reverence pervades our life. reverence means "to see a world in a grain of sand," as Blake wrote. Every aspect of the creation is wonderful and sacred.
Spirituality celebrates life and is in awe of higher powers. Some call the Higher Power God. whatever we call the Higher Power, we believe that there is something or someone greater than ourselves. We are thankful for our life and feel like praising the Higher Power.
Spirituality leads us to service and solitude. We care for our fellows and take action to show it. We have love for ourselves. We love others as an expansion of our own life. We understand that by giving we receive. We grasp that by lighting others candles, we do not lose our own light. The more candles one lights the more enlightened the world becomes.
Soulfulness leads us to the realization that spirituality is our human experience. To be fully human is to be fully spiritual. We are spiritual by nature. We are not material beings trying to become spiritual as the WT would have us believe. We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Soul sees the depth of spirituality in everything and everyone.
"The only good elite are dead elite!!"-Naeblis
(Ok! He borrowed it)