Thank you for the support

by Erica 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    Hi ((((((Erica)))))

    Welcome to the board. Congratulations on your baby!!!!

    I admire you so much for the stand that you have taken against the WT, thank you so much for all that you and everyone involved have done.

  • Trotafox


    We're SO-O-O-O-O glad to hear from you. You were wonderful. We are truly sorry for all you have been through. Thank you for fighting. May God Bless you and your family and let the healing begin.

    Trot ((()))

  • ashitaka

    Everybody else has already said what I wanted to, just wanted to let you know my whole fam is behind you. You've went through too much to be harassed by people who have love and agendas for themselves only.

    There are people who care.


    hugs from Ashi, Water_Goddess, and Ashi's fam.....

  • alamb

    Ditto...Ditto...Ditto and a big hug to you and the little one. May you finally have some peace.

  • Mulan

    Erica, you were just awesome. Everyone I've talked to, witnesses and ex witnesses, were impressed with your dignity and sincerity. When you said "liars" was just fantastic. The emotion was so intense. I loved it.

    I hope you post here more, now that you've started.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • Vitameatavegamin


    I really enjoyed the Dateline interview, as I went through a situation myself years ago, being publicly reproved for being raped by a non-witness. I was not attacked but was only 15 and scared and consequently allowed this pervert to take advantage of me. Elders claimed I could have prevented it and ran, so therefore reasoning that I must have "wanted it". Was almost DF'd over it. It has been 17 years and I still cant believe it to this day. My point being I know exactly how it can be and how the elders sometimes reason. I have already had JW friends tell me that the Dateline interview was just JW bashing and that you were more than likely DF'd for something else, and just using the molestation as leverage to get back at them. So you see, they always have to keep victimizing the victim. I am appalled at the mentality of JWs on this matter. They are so clueless and have no idea how it feels.

    I tip my glass to you Erica for having the courage to stand up. I know all too many who never would. I wish you well for your future. Maybe you should become a regular poster here and offer your support to others in similar situations. Would love to hear from you!

    Thanks! Vita

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    We are all very proud of your efforts. You have fought the fine fight. May your life, your child's life and yur entire family be blessed from this point forward.

    Warm regards,

    Sam Beli

    "...religion opposes the commandments of Almighty God." Violence by J. F. Rutherford 1938

  • plmkrzy

    Woah.where did this thread come from. How the heck did I miss it?

    Congrats on your new mommyhood. terrible two's. ummm. those were the days. I remember them well.

    Hope all is good these days with you and yours.

    ........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music.................
  • Erica

    Thank for your response, I just want to add a little something, neither my family nor I are DF'd, although we are treated as though we are satan himself.
    When Bill and others got there letters from the society we were all expecting one as well, but never recieved one, I am assuming they didn't only because I am suing, thats the only thing I can come up with. I am proud of my cross regardless of the lies we've been told in the WT about it, because the cross is the greatest symbol of Christs unconditional love for all of mankind because of His dying and paying for all of our sins.
    Thanks again for all your support. When I recieved flowers delivered to the court house during the trial from unknown well wishers and when I recieved much needed and overwhelmingly appreciated financial contribution in lieu of flowers from Germany, I realized how many other persons who have suffered various aspects of WT abuse, were rallying to my side unknown, unbidden, unforgetable and forever in my heart, reminding me that just like so many of you, I do have true brothers and sisters. So thanks for, " being there ", through your good wishes, prayers and silent support. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I will never forget you!!!
    God bless, love Erica

  • patio34

    Hi Erica,

    I would just like to add my heartfelt praise for what you did: you went thru a terrible situation and triumphed in the end. Your efforts brought not only justice, but also turned the spotlight on a religious group that has tolerated, and thereby encouraged egregious abuse of children. You deserve a medal of honor.


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