DALLAS next weekend??????????

by waiting 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • TexSham

    My wife and I are planning to come. Look forward to seeing everyone there, this will be our first Apostafest.

    BTW, last time we went to this Trail Dust, it was with an elder and his family. I'm sure this time will be more fun. Later . . .

  • Cassiline

    Well just bring a parachute!!!! What the hell I'll put out some flares and be on the lookout!! LOL

    It was great speaking to you as well Waiting. Just don't use FIDO when going to the Steak House, you will drive right by!!LOL

    (((( waiting))))


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • waiting

    Howdy TexSham!

    I'm soooooooooo glad you and your wife are planning on steaks too!

    This will be so much fun!

    Btw........we know what Andi looks like, and she & COMF know what each looks like, and I know what COMF & SamBeli look like (and vice versa)......but we don't know what YOU look like.

    And if we squinted hard enough at Six's picture he used to post......we possibly know what he looked like.

    A pre-arranged place to congregate?


    ps: Thanks Valis! I ALWAYS need directions

  • TexSham

    I'm tall with dark hair and glasses, the wife is not as tall, has blonde hair, and does not wear glasses.

  • TexSham

    Also, as soon as I walk in, I'll start singing loudly, "From house to house, from door to door, . . ."

  • teejay

    If you see a dashing, suave-looking goateed black guy walking around grinning but with a stupid, clueless look on his face (like he’s looking for a table of strangers), that will be me.

    If I show, I’ll probably be alone. Maybe not.

  • waiting

    teejay.......are you serious? I didn't know you lived in Texas. If you ARE serious - I would be delighted.

    When I met up with Yeru, we just kinda winged it - sat in the bar looking "kinda stupid" and waited for a guy with wife to walk in with that "I don't know who the hell I'm looking for....." look.

    It worked for us.

    This time, we'll just look for a whole group with that "kinda stupid" look on their face.....singing "from house to house, and door to door......"smiling stupidly.

    Looking forward to this!

    waiting & Mr. waiting

  • teejay

    >> teejay.......are you serious? I didn't know you lived in Texas...

    I guess you missed my first post in this thread. You failed to read between the lines, I guess...

    Btw, I don’t live in Texas, and if I did, I wouldn’t admit it. Who wants to be a Texan, for gosh sakes!?? I’m from The Great State of Arkansas!!

    p.s. I don't live *there*, either!

  • waiting

    Oh, I read it.....but too lazy to go back to it. Yes, that's a fault - but at least I admit it.

    I knew you were originally from Arkansas - but was under the impression that you were in north/midwest? At least, you're where it gets cold during the winter.

    Lol....it's been 96/97 for 4th straight day and not even summer yet. Damned tired of this already!

    Well........someday we'll click wine glasses in person. Will be a pleasure.


  • teejay

    >> Well........someday we'll click wine glasses in person.

    We will... maybe sooner than you think... <deeply smiling at the thought of it>

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