Two Jws, man and wife, were just at my door. She started presenting the Watchtower and I just saw red! I can't believe the anger that welled up in me. I said something to the affect that how could they think people would want the Watchtower after seeing Dateline. She says "What are you talking about?" They really had no clue! I told them all about it and brought up the UN thing and they had no idea about that either. I told them that it is really something that their orgainzation has kept them in the dark like that. She said something about where did I "read this stuff" and I told her that I knew victims personally who were molested by a visiting Bethelite. He brought up the crap about the Bible saying two witnesses but that the elders encourage the victims to go to the police. I pointed out to them that on Dateline the molester had 17 charges against him and is in prison but is still in good standing in the congregation and the congregation stood behind him. I was so angry I could hardly talk. I did not know the depth of my feelings until then.
Then like a good little JW he says " Well we can see you have stong feelings about this so we will be on our way. You have a good day now."
She had said something about did I ever sit down and talk to a witness who wasn't one having complaints and I told her that I was a JW for 30 years so I knew all about their teachings. She says" Oh. are you DF'd then? I told her no I was not and I was not DA'd either, I was just DISGUSTED!
They turned and walked away and I went to my office and got the copy of the UN letter and the transcript from Dateline and went out the door after them and they were gone. They must have had other such experiences on our street and got out of here fast.
Now i will keep my 'literature" right at the front door ready for them. They come here often. I bet next time will be the last time.