Our hall is asking for money...

by thedepressedsoul 75 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cappytan

    If I happen to be at a meeting when this comes up, I'm pledging $500/month...and giving NONE.

  • redvip2000

    For many years they chastised the Catholic Church for having "collection plates" but if you think about it, that's just spare change you have in your pocket that day.

    Exactly. This new arrange-a-scam forces people to donate a specific amount regardless of how much of a strain that puts on their finances.

  • Simon

    "I promise to pay one meeeeeeelion dollahs (bur really, I give nothing)"

    Bwa ha ha haaaa

  • SnakesInTheTower

    After the donation arrangement went into effect for literature, I put what I thought it was worth. Yep. ZERO. And for local needs I would purchase needed supplies, TP, towels, toner for the copier, cleaning supplies, but NEVER cash. I quit donating entirely in 06. I left in 07.

    Good riddance to the money grubbing f#$kers.


  • ToesUp

    So, what happens if a congregation does not have enough funds to cover local expenses, utilities, supplies, etc? Let's say they have asked the "friends" for additional funds, still not enough. Will WT help the congregation?

    Has anyone experienced this type of situation?

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    ToesUp a minute ago

    So, what happens if a congregation does not have enough funds to cover local expenses, utilities, supplies, etc? Let's say they have asked the "friends" for additional funds, still not enough. Will WT help the congregation?

    Has anyone experienced this type of situation?

    Yes, about 4 years back, The WT just stopped sending literature. After about 2 or 3 months the problem was resolved and they started send it again. Just like getting behind on your house payment, it's better to work with you and keep the payment coming.

  • FayeDunaway

    Ok I'm confused about something. How can that form say 'be assured this goes for local operating expenses', when you all have said there's a new 'arrangement' where the society can take all excess funds in a congregations account?

    Also, they say 'give us an interest free loan,' when the society has charged interest (which goes against very clear words in the Bible, btw) for building loans. The society can do it, but individual publishers can't, it's got to be interest free. And when would these loans be paid off? This seems like a problematic issue.

    and what is the point of destroying the forms, when they are anonymous anyway, and their information is gathered and tallied?

  • WingCommander

    ^^^^^^^ So WT stopped sending literature when they didn't get the funds they "requested?"

    Gee, that sounds like an absolute BLESSING from Jehovah, if you ask me!!!! No more freakin' literature to have to peddle? Nothing coming in at ALL you say??? I would never donate again, ever!

    So as we can see from above, WT's message to the rank-n-file sheep is, "Go forth, be warm and well fed, Brothers."

    The Christian Love is really flowing in this religion.

  • Saltheart Foamfollower
    Saltheart Foamfollower

    I don't know how to post the original, but here is the text from a letter just received in the UK

    Christian Congregation
    of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    The Ridgeway, London, NW7 1RN Telephone: 020 8906 2211
    TAA:TAB June 8, 2015
    Re: Meeting the Needs of the Organization
    Dear Brothers:
    We know you will have enjoyed the May 2015 programme of JW Broadcasting. How
    encouraging to hear of all the current projects being undertaken in connection with advancing
    Kingdom interests! Our attention was drawn to our giving support in various ways, such as our
    time, energy and material resources. The admonition at Proverbs 3:9 to “honor Jehovah with your
    valuable things, with the firstfruits of all your produce” was emphasized. Yes, we should give our
    very best to Jehovah as our priority. The Scriptural basis for supporting pure worship with material
    contributions was thus highlighted.
    Over the past year a very positive response has been received by congregations making
    donations of funds surplus to local operating expenses and implementing a regular monthly
    donation to Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide. We warmly commend all
    who have responded so generously to this new arrangement for funding Kingdom Hall and
    Assembly Hall construction around the world.
    We note that some congregations still continue to hold funds in excess of their necessary
    operating expenses, either in a local bank account or on deposit with the branch office. Additionally
    some congregations are not making a monthly contribution in support of Kingdom Hall and
    Assembly Hall construction worldwide.
    In harmony with the jw.org broadcast for May 2015, and the guidance provided in our letter
    dated March 29, 2014, regarding Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall
    construction worldwide, we encourage you to follow these guidelines and send all such dedicated
    funds, surplus to operating expenses, for the Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction
    We are confident of Jehovah’s blessing on these arrangements as we do all that we can to
    praise and elevate his great name and universal sovereignty.
    Please accept our appreciation and thanks in advance for the cooperation and hard work of
    you brothers in helping care for Christ’s belongings.
    Your brothers,


  • FayeDunaway
    I hate it. Hate it hate it hate it. It's how they've always spoken, but how do they manage to be treacly superior manipulative reprimanding money-grabbing hypocritical two-faced self righteous pious intimidating self-congratulating beggars, all at once? It's a skill.

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