Circuit Overseer online. Welcome to my pages

by Carlo 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • jst2laws


    I'm having doubts about the Faithful and Discreet Slave. I remember you had a wonderful defense of the mistakes made in the past by the GB. It was one of the most upbuilding articles I have read.

    Is it possible to post it here?


  • FreePeace

    Come on Carlo, fess up. You're just joking about the Cat thing, right? Because it is either a beautiful satire on how re-goddamn-diculous the bible and the WTS is, or you are one sick fundy.

    I'd like to know, because I know for a fact you are NOT a CO. The WTS's micro-managers would NEVER allow a CO to put up such a site. Period.

    So come on, tell us what you are getting at. I'd hate for any of the Tigers on this board to eat you for lunch unjustifiably.

    "The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
    Who Am I? -How to Reinvent Yourself After Leaving the WTS

  • jst2laws


    Give Carlo a chance. He is probably the best Ciruit Overseer who will serve this congregation.

    Common Carlo. I need help with my faith in the Governing Body.



  • ChiChiMama

    Hello Carlo,
    I remember you from the days Maximus was here.
    Back for some fun?


  • seedy3

    LOL......... I rather enjoyed his website, especially the article about cats, this quote really droveit home about how demonic cats are:

    The demeanor of a cat is seen by many honest-hearted observers as reflecting some supernatural, unnatural proclivity towards malice or evil. And, it is a well-known fact that cats are impossible to tame, teach or raise in the truth. The cat has a rebellious, independent spirit. While the animal itself may be unaware of this tragic condition, it serves only its true master - Satan, the Devil.
    LOL that's great information to know LOL.


  • Been there
    Been there

    Please tell me that cat thing was a joke!
    If it wasn't you people are much sicker then you were 28 yrs. a go. A cat is a serpent? Cats lick inapropriate body parts? Give me a fricking break. (I do have to admit the hair balls are pretty nasty).
    Really that whole artical made my stomach sick. Please tell me he was kidding and they don't take that serious. Such crap!

    KY Been

  • gumby

    Patio..Welcome Carlo, to the international coffee house. I hope you enjoy your stay.
    So, what brings you here and tell us a little bit more about yourself.

    You have 1800 and some posts and you don't remember Bro. Carlo?
    He has been around a while, as has his site.

    The newbies have taken over the one remembers carlo.

    Have we been feeling a little horney lately dude? Lots of talk from you lately about nasty stuff.

  • Kenneson

    I'm so glad Jehovah made cats. They must serve a purpose other than catching mice. And people even make pets out of mice. What about dogs as pets? They, too, were considered unclean animals. See Lev. 11:27 They are most often unfavorable spoken of in Scripture.
    See 2 Sam. 16:9, Ps. 22:16, 20 Matt. 15:26-27, Phil. 3:2, Rev. 22:15.

    Should we not eat milk and beef because of the "Golden Calf" in Ex. 32:4; Hos. 8:5,6; Dt. 9:16; Neh. 9:18; Ps. 106:19.

    You never know what else must be avoided because of pagan connections. If they're not intended for
    Jws, Jehovah must have created them especially for pagans, but I've
    never seen this in Watchtower literature. And if He made them solely for pagans, how can they be faulted for possessing them?

    People, you have to read this article on cats. What next?

  • Prisca

    Bro Carlo and I are lovers.

    And if you believe that, you'll believe everything else on his website.

  • rnovello

    Carlo is a phony, he is not a CO or even a JW

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