Cro-Magnons, Neandrathals&Clan of the Cave ...

by patio34 13 Replies latest social entertainment

  • patio34

    Has anyone read Jean Auel's books starting with Clan of the Cave Bear? I had never read them when they were popular, being a good dub and all.

    Just started the 1st and am fascinated with the premise. The "Clan" people hominids are Neandrathals and the "Others" are Cro-Magnons. In a book by Jared Diamond, he discusses the difference. We are descended from Cro-Magnons and the Neandrathals went extinct. But they co-existed for a time!

    Jared Diamond states that if you dressed one of each in modern clothes, you'd know instantly the Neandrathal (ND) (the typical "caveman"), but you could not distinguish the Cro-Magnon (CM) from anyone else.

    He posits that probably the CM either killed off ND or just drove them off gradually (peacefully tho) from the better lands and they died off.

    But the really interesting thing to me is that they co-existed, but probably didn't intermarry because of the marked differences. There were also other hominids that didn't survive.

    Another possibility (maybe!) is that that's where ancient stories originated about goblins and trolls, that were human-like but long arms and very muscular.


  • peaceloveharmony

    hey pat, i've read the whole series, a new one just came out, i'm waiting for it in paperback (i'm cheap lol)

    i enjoyed the series :) as i'm sure you will too.

  • Dutchie

    Pat, her first book ended with a cliff hanger and I could not wait to get the second book. I truly loved the series.

  • patio34

    Thanks PLH. The series was recommended to me by a friend (in addition to you ). The author has such a good imagination to come up with a scenario about life between the two species of hominids!


  • ChiChiMama

    I watched the movie and read the book Clan Of The Cave Bear.
    Liked them both.


  • waiting

    Hey Pat!

    Since I just talked with you about this VERY subject on the phone, I'll just bring it back to the top.

    I will look for the hardcopy I saw in the secondhand store. I'm quite VERY cheapo!

    love ya!


  • patio34

    Hi Dutchie, Thanks for the tip about the ending! If it's the book's as good as it seems, it'll be great to continue on to the 2nd one.

    ChiChiMama, there was a movie?? More to look forward to!

    Hi again Waiting! The hardcopy book will be easier on the eyes. My copy is very small print.

  • Valis

    Did any of you guys ever read West of Eden by Harry Harrisson? Whole world of lizard people evolving along side humans....aggressive female slithery type things, evolutionary questions....good story.


    District Overbeer

  • waiting
    aggressive female slithery type things,

    o yeah. blame it on the females.

  • SYN

    Valis: Yeah, it was excellent! And how the humans got together with the males (which were the subordinates and didn't get to do much in the female society of the lizards) and tried to overthrow the lizards!

    They've been digging in the Euphrates Valley and have uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8,000 years old, and an older caveman culture. Recently, they reached another layer of fused green glass.

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