What Would You Change On Earth and How?

by IslandWoman 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • gsx1138

    Ban all organized religion. The minute anyone wrote passages down and called it my word I would kill them and destroy the document. I would allow them to call me what they wished and worship as they wished so long as they understood their own importance. Too often, religion becomes more important than the individual in the religion.
    I would also allow science the chance to explain my power.

  • IslandWoman


    So, in the world xJWs would make we would have an inebriated soccer player who can read minds and when choking on his mint size avocado pit will not drown while bathing in his tub!


    Thanks for the Imagine lyrics! So good!

    Safe, I AGREE!!!!


  • teenyuck

    I will have to answer this in the context of being Goddess:

    What if you were Goddess? What changes would you make on this beautiful planet you created?

    I would make the weather, world wide, like that of the Los Angeles area

    Or to put it another way, if you could speak directly to Goddess what would you ask Goddess to change here on the earth and how would you answer the following questions if he asked you?

    What would you change?

    NO religion

    How would you change it?

    put all the religious documents and historical stuff in a museum...show how religion has harmed people over the years. Teach it to the youngest, so no one would think they had "the one true religion

    To what extent would you change it?


    Would your change apply to everyone no matter who they were?


    Would your change be irrevocable?


    Would your change limit self-rule or self-determination?

    No, that is the whole point to no religion...let people self rule, make their own determinations and live their lives without worrying that an invisible being is watching and judging them

    Would everyone like your change?

    Yes, when they realize what a negative hold belief in a non-existent being has had on their lives

    Would people work to make your change available and equitable to all?

    Of course

    Would the change advance mankind's maturity?

    Yes, people being responsible for their actions and the consequences of those actions will mature quickly

    Lastly, would the change produce a less violent and a more economically balanced world?

    Yes, people will have more money to spend on their families and this in turn will create more jobs which in turn will create an economic balance

    [b]Lastly, I being "the Goddess" would transform myself into a human so I could experience all the world had to offer....beer would be at the top of the list. I would try to see things from humans point of view and then I would destroy all other Gods and Goddesses. I would then in turn turn myself into a human for the rest of my (human) life.

  • IslandWoman

    Oh Great Goddess Puffsrule, (any chance we could change the name?)

    You have found the answer to man's problems! Let your word come true, oh great Goddess!!

    Please though, bring an end to totalitarian governments and rampant commercialism also!!

    Your humble fellow poster,

  • LDH


    You and I are on the same wave length. TAKE CARE OF THE CHILDREN.

    Give children all over the world enough to eat, a chance to learn, parents who love each other, and no fighting. Remove all images of violence and sexual abuse from TV, magazines, games, etc. Nurture the creativity in all children.

    The rest would take care of itself. Nice topice, IW.


  • Cassiline

    Pain, not only in a physical sense but mental sense as well.

    The first way of changing that I would suppose would be to do away with one sensory nerves in the brain, but this would not inhibit one to try to cause pain or hurt people leading to acts that would cause physical pain and emotional which I wish to disable.

    So therefore I would have a sensory nerve installed in each individual so before they would commit an act that would cause pain they too would feel the consequences, and would not act upon whatever cause of action they were about to embark upon. Thus knowing that the pain would be great and they would have a better understanding of what each person experiences prior to opening ones mouth, committing a crime, etc.

    Not sure if that came out right, it sounds like I'm contradicting myself.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • safe4kids


    You and I are on the same wave length. TAKE CARE OF THE CHILDREN
    Hmmm, do ya suppose anyone could guess we're moms?? Good topic IW, thanks for bringing it up.


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