
by toddy 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiwan

    Kismet,I do agree but if I heard this ten years ago I would have fell
    out of my chair.

    WOW It's a wide open world,use your
    own thoughts.

  • DevonMcBride

    The problem with JW's is that they under-estimate the intelligence of the average non-JW. This is why they spend thousands of hours in service just to get one bible study.

    This idiot's thinking or should I say, lack of thinking may be food for thought to the die hard Witless, but it won't work on the public.


  • Dawn

    Toddy - I loved your postings over there. What a riot!!

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Someone needs to ask him some very polite and nice questions so he had to explain his reasoning?

    I can probably think of a dozen questions off the top of my head that would cause....... (I'm sure with a whole 30 seconds of thought, we could all come up with MANY)

    I think it would be very easy with his statement above to cause

    A bought of cognitive dissonance followed by a very sick feeling in his stomach... !!!

    Rememeber the saying, no pain, no gain ....

    After all, telling him he's a "maroon" (bug's bunny) will only 'prove' to him that he is right, however, asking him questions that will cause him to explain his reasoning (which any 2 year old should be able to poke holes through, might I add <G>) will show him exactly how full of it his conclusions are...

  • thinker

    I swear! If a JW EVER knocks on my door, I'm telling them to "GO AWAY, I'm waiting on Jehovah!"

  • Perry

    Perry <--------------- staring stupified at the ignorance before him

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