I have met so many great folks in the chat room, and read many wonderful post. Its sad that because these people have decided to think for their selves, they have been labeled evil. People who once called us friends, said they would give their lives for us, now will not even make eye contact with us. Even families turn their back on us, and paint us as evil. Well, I just want to say ,now that I have had the privilege of getting to know some of you, its there loss. They say they are the best people on the face of the earth ,but I believe that the best people are walking away from them at great cost. If we are judged at the end, I would rather take my chances with y’all then with them.
by WildTurkey 11 Replies latest jw friends
Here here, i'll take my chances too!
Hey Wild man
Cool post, and I'm with you 100%. When I finally realized that there was no going back to the borg for me, I came to the conclusion that if God was going to judge me harshly for taking care of myself and my children instead of following stupid rules, then so be it. I'd rather live my life the way I choose, and be judged negatively in the end than abide by their so called "loving" regulations.
You make an excellent point WT. By and through the manner in which the society governs its members, it is running off its brightest minds, its deepest thinkers, the very people who could save it from itself. It's very sad really.
Frankly, when ANY of the elders showed up at my home (usually uninvited) to "adjust my thinking" on a matter, I found it humorous on the one hand and infuriating on the other.
See, against the advice and even pressure from all the elders in more than one congregation, I went to college anyway. This was in 1963. I excelled in college and as a result of that college education, coupled with an intuitive mind and a proclivity to take risks I am now in the top 5% of income earners in the United States.
So here come two high-school drop-outs who clean carpets for a living and who couldn't ajust my water heater coming to adjust my thinking. Well they adjusted me right out of there. What a buncha dolts.
Can you imagine what I'd be thinking right about now if I had taken the advice proffered to me concerning going to college (or not going, as the case may be). Thinking for myself is the best thing I ever did for myself.
Anyway, just thought I'd through that in along with a nice welcome.
Judged, ha! The only judging going on is that being handed down by the Crotch Tower. I may not know everything, but one thing I do know is that my God would not judge you for leaving the WT BS. Quite the contrary, he'd pour you a drink... but that's my God, now.
Hello WildT,
You said:
I believe that the best people are walking away
A friend of mine (bro. W.) who is only slightly behind me in waking up still attends meetings regular for his family's sake. He got board to death and walked to the back of the hall and met another brother. The two talked awhile and brother S. told my friend he missed us. That the meetings are so boring since he (bro W.) and myself had resigned as elders.About two weeks ago the PO asked bro W. why all the "thinkers" were resigning and leaving the organization.
If only the other 30 to 50 publishers in the congregation, who I believe or suppressing doubts daily, could realize they are not alone and would be joining the best if they got up and walked out.
Obviously I agree with you, this mindless organization is loosing its best.
Many of them have come here.Jst2laws
"Ajust your thinking" that is coming from a group of men who can't even technically ajust their nuts? Now that's rich!
Deep thoughts brother!
WT!! We still haven't had the chance to combine our evil powers....
District Overbeer
My oldest brother always says:
I'd rather die in Armageddon a hundred times than have to spend eternity with nothing but JWs.