Get rich Quick Dubs

by OUTLAW 25 Replies latest jw friends


    Hey Gopher,you wouldn`t be talking about EXCEL would you?My dub mom got my kids involved with that.Guess who the first guy they signed up was?(LOL)I don`t sell EXCEL but I do use their sevices.I have saved a great deal of money on long distance calls,and it made my kids happy.Not a bad deal I`d say,but I haven`t seen anyone get rich from it.You`d have to be on the upper levels to make any real money from what I`ve seen..>>>Hey Bang,thats funny...OUTLAW

  • Reborn2002
    and some Dubs have even bought into Carlton Sheets get rich in real estate with no money ...

    LOL. My hardcore J-Dub brother whom I do not talk to did JUST that only a few months ago.

    Where is he now? Jobless with no college degree, a wife with no formal education past high school either, and swamped with bills.

    I suppose the "brothers" are helping him? Hasn't happened yet.

  • AjaxMan
    "I thought they were like the Amway of religions."

    Isn't the WTS a MLM or pyramid scheme anyways?

  • Gopher


    The name of the long-distance service in question was ACN (American Communications Network). They're also into selling de-regulated utilities such as electricity.

    ACN was merged into QWEST long-distance. I don't know what has become of this large MLM organization in the past 3 years.


    Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.--Will Rogers, 1879-1935

  • out4good3

    One of my dub in-laws was into Shaklee in a big way about 20 years ago. They moved from Shaklee to Avon.

    I remember just after I was baptised a brother introduced me too Primerica Financial Services, a pyrimid scheme based upon selling useless and often expensive insurance and other financial products. YOu could actually save more money by instead of buying their products, putting that money in the back and letting it earn interest over time.

    I went to their sales pitch and it was much like the average JW meeting at a KH. Company spoken of in glowing terms and "love bombed" by the supposedly successful "financial planners" in the company. Had me hook line and sinker till I thought about it a few days and stopped calling that brother. Last time I saw him he berated me for wasting his time.

    There is a site called the rip off report that details what Primerica does. It's simply a multi-level marketing scheme.

  • NameWithheld

    Man o man, the memories. The magic health pills (herbs, etc) of various brands made the rounds in several of the halls I attended - with the 'sisters' pushing the latest and greatest magic herbal remedy - too bad they left out the one that would have really helped .

    I saw so many dubs jump from job to job, always looking for that next great payout. After a few months, and the predictable bad ending, they'd find yet another scheme to fall for. It was sad yet almost funny at the same time.

    And yes, I saw many 'loving' brothers who would stab each other in the back to make a dime, some I would even label preditors, who knew they could rope dumb dubs into any scheme. The sadest part is some of them could rope the same people into differrent schemes over and over again! you'd think they'd learn SOMETHING!

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


    A brother from Pennsylvania (Slusher? Slesher?) used to sell it to my mom.
    Looking at the photo below, it's interesting that they have a triangle (pyramid) on it!

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Several of the brothers and sisters at my local hall became infatuated with the latest miracle product to sweep the nation...melaluca oil. They were selling everything from lotion to ointment to pills and tea. It was really big down here in the south...for about six months.

    Talking about Shaklee brought back some particularly vivid memories for me. My mom used to make us take the liquid vitamins that they used to sell. Man, that stuff was nasty. To this day I refuse to take vitamins based solely on remembering what that stuff tasted like.


  • Southland

    Man, this brought back memories ... I remember the iridology craze, the multi-level marketing scams, the vitamins, Amway, Shaklee, gee whiz, all of it! I just loved hearing the justifications for why it was okay to do these business deals with our brothers and sisters ... and I remember having to stand my ground firmly when my relatives were trying to get me to participate (their downstream).


    Wow!Incense and pepermints, Reborn2002,Ajaxman,outforgood3,Namewithheld,Misterbiggs,plus all the previous posters on this thread.The list just keeps growing.This is a lot of get rich quick schemes,with a lot of dubs participating everywhere..(LOL)...OUTLAW

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