Hi! This is my first post here. This forum has really
helped in my break from the organization.
I was reading a post from the WOL board posted about the
Special Assembly Day program. Here it is:
"Í am not sure how many of you have attended your SDA.
We just had ours with 2,400 in attendance and 13
baptized. This SDA emphasizes unmistakbly the need for
every Christian to grow up and mature so that they can
use their perceptive powers to defend themselves against
an evil world where people's every inclination of their heart
is towards evil."
The URL is: http://www.witnessesonline.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/000016.html
They certainly do encourage a positive view of one's
fellow man. Reading words like that make me so glad my wife and I finally saw the light. Excuse me now while I get back to my EVIL