FusionTheism: It makes no sense to simultaneously say that the Society doesn't want the average JW to know about the problems of the past Society, and THEN at the same time to say that the Society is intentionally telling these JWs about these problems, making them aware of them
This is a tactic used by shrewd politicians. In an attempt to take the sting out of a shocking expose that he knows will inevitably come, a shrewd politician might preempt the breaking of the news by mentioning the incident, carefully spinning it to portray himself as humble and transparent while at the same time giving the impression that it isn't a very big deal by using euphemisms.
When he does this, he has already introduced the public to the issue - on his terms - and prepares the way to categorize any future exposes on the issue by his critics as a vindictive, exaggerated attack bringing up an issue that he has already spoken about openly. He styles himself as the humble, honest man who publicly bared his past fault and is now being victimized by vindictive and slanderous critics, out to sensationalize the issue and destroy his character.