Does anyone know anything about this organization, aside from the fact that Jimmy Carter is somehow associated with them? I'm considering doing some volunteer work for them, but don't know really know much about them. I believe they are "faith-based", which I'm not necessarily keen on, but they get people into houses and bypass government red tape, which I do like. Can anyone tell me more?
Habitat for Humanity?
by og 10 Replies latest jw friends
HFH is kind of like a clearing house for charitable works that surround refurbishing delapidated homes, or building homes for people who have never lived in a house per se. They have rebuilt or just plain given peole new homes here in the Dallas area. Mostly very poor and the elderly. In many places HFH works with religious orgs, totally non religious entities , or a mix of both. You were right about being religious though..a quote from their website's mission statement:
Statement of Purpose Web site is an educational and informational electronic publication of Habitat for Humanity International. Its purpose is to share the story of Habitat for Humanity's house-building, hope-building work around the world and to invite interested online visitors to be part of those efforts. Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and people everywhere, from all walks of life, to develop communities with God's people in need by building and renovating houses so that there are decent houses in decent communities in which people can live and grow into all that God intended. We welcome all volunteers who share a vision of a world without shacks.
Not too bad, except all that rabid dog talk.
District Overbeer
Yeah but when other people say their stuff is faith-based---don't worry.
NO ONE will be preaching to you or trying to convert you.
Other orgs live their dedication to God through service to man. Not selling worthless rags.
Do it, you will love it.
Double Edge
The corporation I work for has a voluneer committee which has worked on several Habitat Houses. I think it is a great organization that corporations as well as faith-based groups get involved with. There really is no 'preaching' or religionizing at all, except the grassroots - man helping his fellow man.
Thanks, this is the kind of thing I was looking for. I'd seen the God stuff on the site, but was wondering if I was going to have to deal with it live. Also, if there was any whiff of cultishness.
Incidentally, Valis, are you a Philip K. Dick fan?
I have done various volunteer activities with various "faith-based" groups including H4H. In my experience, there is no pressure of religion and no discrimination based on religion. I work with one church, part of a consortium of different down-town church denominations that provide free meals to the homeless. The only religious aspect is a prayer said by a volunteer before the guests are invited in. There is no preaching, no converting and no pressure to join applied to either the volunteers and especially not the homeless people. The only literature distributed is a list of places to sleep and get meals at. If you turn up in rags or turn up in a suit you get a free meal no questions asked.
Mrs Thirdson and myself donated our state tax rebate to Habitat for Humantity last year as part of a drive to raise funds for a grant matching offer. Religious and non-religious people donanted knowing that H4H provides affordable housing to those in need regardless of their religious affliations. A $ million was raised last fall in Minneapolis for an Habitat project.
og, indeed I am.
They have done a lot of good in Dallas... BTW I doubt you would find JWs engaged in anything so humane and good for those in need.
District Overbeer
Been there
It is a great org. I have helped on a couple houses myself, they were building a whole block of 4 or 5 houses close to my house a few years ago. It was alot of work but well worth the effort. My talent was mudding the drywall. NO preaching what so ever!!!! (I kinda remember a prayer before it got started, but you can handle that can't you?) The home owners are expected to put in alot of hours to help build their house. (the ones who are physically able) It is to give them pride in their home and make them apart of it. Helps make them responsible for it. They don't just get it handed to them. One of the houses in the block was totally handicap accessable. Try it, you will like it.KY Been
thx for starting this thread. i've had this H4H org on my list of places to volunteer and a friend and i are planning to sign up right away here.
i've been humming and hawwing over it though.
like you, i'm not too keen on the "faith based" angle...
and that is mainly what's slowing me from gettin' in there like a dirty shirt.keep us posted if you try it out and tell us whatcha think.
i'll do the same.SPAZ
Bona Dea
BTW I doubt you would find JWs engaged in anything so humane and good for those in need.
I knew this one lady who worked there and I specifically remembered her wearing a Santa's hat one year at Christmas time. She was always jovial and always donning interesting hats. She was one of these people that you just don't miss. She was one of my favorite workers there, too (because she would usually give me something that was 2.00 for like a .25). She was just a really sweet and funny lady. I met her about a yr before I started attending the Kingdom Hall. Fast forward a couple of years...I had attended the KH for a while when one day, in she walked. Come to find out she had been baptized back in ancient times (lol) and was, from what I understand, inactive. I never noticed anyone shunning her though. They'd probably already done that a long time ago anyway, and just didn't bother anymore. She only came occasionally. I think she just came because of her son (he is still active). answer your question, I think that helping out H4H would be a great opportunity to help someone. Not only do they help build homes for the elderly and the poor, their thrift stores are wonderful. When my hub and I were first married and were really struggling financially, that was where we bought most of our clothing, furniture, and dishes. So, go for it.
"Half the world is composed of idiots, the other half of people clever enough to take indecent advantage of them."
-Walter Kerr