I am not bragging or anything here, but I always tipped, I am a firm believer in tipping a hard worker. When I was a teenager I was a waitress and I worked my ass off and I always appreciated a good tip. So I know that when a waitress is trying to be nice and pleasant and seeing that everything is in order, she deserves a good tip, at least 15 percent for excellent service and never less than 10 percent.
And yes my mother always was one to leave a book or magazines for the waitress or waiter or hotel house keeper. How cheap. I would never do that, I alway paid cash, and also for bell hops and valets. It is the proper way to do things. I have been like this all my life paying tips where due,witness or not. It is common courtesy.
Dubs don`t like to Tip
by OUTLAW 25 Replies latest jw friends
Hey orangefatcat,very cool.There were a few dubs I knew who felt the same way,but few and far between.A biker bud once told me:Money is like manuare(shit),if you want things around you to grow strong and healthy,you`ve got to spread it around...OUTLAW
We have a daughter who is working her way through college by being a waitress. She said the JW's that come in to eat are some of the cheapest people around (even JW relatives). But to be fair, she's complained about working the Sunday shift for a long time because the "church people" are the rudest, crudest and cheapest people of all. I guess if these girls are working on Sunday they don't deserve a tip. Sure makes a sad testimony.
I've always been one to tip when I'm able to. There are times when all I have is enough money for the pizza being delivered, but usually I try to give two dollars, though I'll give one if that's all I have. At a dine-in I try to leave some money for a tip and will order accordingly. Yet if I get crappy service, that waiter or waitress will get a low tip. Of course, I don't take out messed up food on them, since I know it's the cook's fault.
I remind myself every time I go to tip, or if I'm considering not tipping, that the person with the job does need any tip I can give. If someone didn't need the tips given, then they woudln't be working a waiting job. That, and I believe in Karma, so I need to do what I can do or it will come back and bite me hard.
Can anyone give us any tips on tipping?
We try and tip when we're in Canada but to be honest, we don't know what we should be leaving!
It's not as big a thing in the UK and also you rarely get decent service anywhere (I do leave something when we do) so it doesn't come up as often.
Us brits are poor at this sort of thing as we get embarrassed.
The fact that many JWs avoid to tip has come to the attention of the GB. So they include this subject regularla in the famous May KM-supplement. Don't know whether it works.
Since I made my way through school waiting tables, I have seen just about every tipper out there. We would groan if a certain type of person was sat at out station, we also would be quite happy when Japanese customers were sat at our station... BEST TIPPERS AROUND.
If one receives good service 15% is the customary tip, note most only tip on the untaxed part of the bill, doubling the tax is customary and works out to about 15%.
Extraordinary service, 20% (or more )
Most restaurants allow a server to add gratuity for parties of 8 or more, this can backfire at times if you have given great service and the patron wishes to leave more and finds that the gratuity has already been added, so "reading" my patrons was always a way to judge if I were going to add the gratuity or not.
I waited tables in a fine dining restaurant in Virginia for years. The worst tip I received was written on a napkin, "Your tip, Never play leap frog with unicorns." I can laugh at it today.
I once had a gentleman lay 5, ten dollar bills on the table as I approached to introduce myself and give the days specials. He stated that each time I did not do as he bid a ten would disappear!! He said that this was how he always got the best service... and he did that night!! LOL
For those of you who do not know TIPS stands for, To Insure Proper Service.
Sorry for going on but this brought up a lot of old memories!!
When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.
There are a lot of online pages dedicated to how much to tip for what services.
For meals in the US, 15% of the bill is minimum. If service is good, 20%. The numbers are lower in poorer areas (10% and 15%, IIRC). For hotel rooms, it's like a dollar a night for the room maid. More if the hotel is 'nicer'. IIRC, you tip a bellman a dollar or two unless you have particularly heavy or overstuffed bags, or lots of them, then it's a dollar a bag.
Dunno how Canada works, though.
Xander F
(Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. Anything less than 15% if you have received good service is an insult.
That's why he gets 2% when walking the street.
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