Sell now ... we'd get a good price!

by Simon 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Simon, then we could buy Florida and go diving into those lovely apostate scuba sisters...I meant diving with really.....I like the theme park idea...we could have rides...

    The Bible History Slide: World's Largest Slippery Slope
    Blood Issue Mountain: Made From a Molehill
    Plato's Cave: A Must Ride For All JW Families
    The Prophet: World's Longest, Up & Down, Back & Forth, Roller Coaster Ride


    District Overbeer

  • D8TA

    Yep, this land was onced ruled by a Monarchy, but then that whole 1776 mess happened, and we decided to do things for ourselves. Now we are happy with our two party system. Doh!

    We are willing to trade 9 corrupt senators and congress people for the Royals, and 2 upcoming future picks. That way we can have a strong trading position with France, when we take those 9 and split them, giving half to France. France in turn will give us 2 "all star"
    politicians. Brazil has agreed to send 4 of their corrupt senators to Italy, in a cross exchange for 1 Chinese dictator. But Saudi Arabi has to agree to send 7 of it's princes to the minor league, to level the playing field for Israel. The former U.S.S.R. which has changed owners and are to be called the Russians will stay out of this years free agent picks, as it's rebuilding it's team. Pakistan and India will not be affected, since they are presently in the field of play, and cannot pursue any trade negotiations. Australia had been in talks with Japan, but because Japan has made prior trade deals with Germany, Australia pulled out and is now in negotiation with Argentina who president is up for free agency very soon.

    Soooo, it looks like if you don't trade with us...that will leave you with...errr, Mexico. They might be interested. (Forget Canada, they already have Naeblis, and that's more then they can handle).

    D8TA v2.0

  • out4good3

    Don't think us Americans would be interested in taking on another royal family. YOu see, we have our own unofficial very disfunctional royal family already here, the Kennedy's. Don't you remember? Almost all of America came to a halt when little "john john's" plane went missing a few years ago. Oh, what a sad tragedy everyone wailed, as if his unofficial royal bloodline would allow him to live forever.

    I hold the same type of pilots' license he did. I wonder if they'd spend as much money or consume as much resources looking for me.

  • D8TA

    Didn't you see that astrik in the sentence "All men are created equal*"?

    Look down at the bottom of the page.

    Keeeeep going...

    Yep there:

    *Unless your a Kennedy, in which case the entire nation must kiss the Kennedy's family ass.

    D8TA v2.0

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Texas for the Royal family?

    I don't think so!

    I'm on to ya, Simon.

    You are just trying to OUR Billygoat and Xena


  • one




    and dont sell cheap

  • one

    Dont forget that UK is more scriptural than any other country...

    except they may have a hard time tracing to King David, plus never heard of a queen in Isarael but it is a Kingdom, with 'Good' AND bad 'News', anyway.

  • NeonMadman

    Perhaps they could replace the Governing Body?


    "Gentlemen, he said, I don't need your organization, I've shined your shoes, I've moved your mountains and marked your cards. But Eden is burning"
    --Bob Dylan
  • Waygooder64

    What? Sell the royal family?? You might get 11 bucks after the new owners sent you the bill for all the dental work...

  • Simon

    Actually on reflection I think Englishman may be onto something ... it prevents more power elsewhere.

    What stronger argument could there be against a republic (and what could be more frightening) then the two words:

    President Blair

    (Smile sincerely to camera left, furrowed brow, jean ... with a crease)

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