This is unbelievable. Here is an excerpt from an email I got from a JW friend regarding the pedophilia issue. Take particular note this persons's rationale regarding the WT Legal Dept. recording on Dateline:
"By the friend who was molested by a brother, who also molested others, who later became and elder, who later became removed with the new information, said that years later, when she went to be married, she was having "troubles" so she went to get therapy. She was pissed that she had to pay for the therapy, so she called the society to say she thought it was ridiculous she had to pay and their thought on suing him. They told her she would be handled judicially if she sued him. YES SHE WAS PISSED, AND YES SHE STILL THINKS IT WAS RIDICULOUS. AND YES WE THINK IT WAS RIDICULOUS. BUT THAT DOESN'T CHANGE BIBLE DOCTRINE. So see, we know we and they aren't perfect in things we do and words we choose....but we can handle that. By the way......That call that they made on Dateline to the supposed society.......BULL. I have never heard a lawyer speak like a hick in all my life. PLEASE STOP BELIEVING EVERYTHING YOU HEAR."