Remember "The Goodies" ?

by Simon 22 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Englishman
  • Michael3000


    Yes! The Goodies were run on PBS in Orlando, Florida for a while in the late 70's/early 80's. My uncle got me into watching them, as well as Monty Python. Then there was Not The Ten O'Clock News, Fawlty Towers, Black Adder, The Vicar of Dibley, Keeping Up Appearances...all so funny! Thank Gawd for the Brits and their humor!!!

    "Goody, Goody, Yum Yum... "

  • plmkrzy

    Is that Benny Hill on the back?
    .I use to love Benny Hill! ..

    .........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music.....................
  • Englishman
    Is that Benny Hill on the back?

    Nope, it's Bill Oddie.


  • hillary_step

    Bill Oddie once took me on a bird-spotting trek into the wilds of Norfolk a hundred years ago. While he thought he was in Heaven I knew I was in Hell. Frozen footed, soaked by miserable drizzle and dreaming of the Waldorf Towers, I quickly tired of the idea of planet-saving.

    At first the only highlight was his frenetically excited high-pitched voice ( 'wot the Hell is a corn-crake anyway?), but after a while even this developed into a novel form of Step

    Actually a very good hearted man.


  • 144thousand_and_one


    I loved the "Goodies" when I was a kid. They used to air them on the same channel that aired the Benny Hill show in Los Angeles (Ch. 13). The occasional nudity (boobs) made the show somewhat unique and very enticing to a preteen - early teenage youngster.

  • Englishman


    A corncrake, eh? Hmm, I once ringed a sand-martin that was picked up in S. Africa. I've also done mute swans....we've also got 2 different types of oyster catchers in WSM, + peregrines nesting nearby.


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Ah,happy memories!I used to watch the Goodies with my dad...we also used to watch 'Are you being served?', The Good Lifeand Dad's Army.They recently re-ran Dad's Army and the Good Life-my 12 year old and 8 year old loved them.They thought Felicity Kendall looked really trendy;'cos of this 70's revival!
    (now we'll have a Felicity Kendall thread)

  • Stephanus

    Maybe you need pay tv Simon; UKTV here in Oz repeats the Goodies regularly. Some great English comedy has been produced over the years: Goodies, Python, Reginald Perrin, Yes Minister, To the Manor Born, Red Dwarf etc. But when some prat starts waxing lyrical about how much better than Yank TV british is, I remember Are You Being Served, On The Buses, George and Mildred and On The Up.

    To put it in perspective, however, while the Poms were making Python and the Goodies, the US was churning out stuff like All in the Family, The Partridge Family, The Brady Bunch and Hogan's Heroes...

  • Michael3000

    Are You Being Served? I nearly forgot that one!

    "Mr. Humphries, are you free?"

    "I'm freeee!"

    And Benny Hill! How could HE slip my mind?! Rest his soul!

    Does anyone remember "Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang"? Benny Hill played the toymaker who helped to hide the children of the village from the evil guy who would capture them. Check it out:

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