I am trying to locate a Jehovah witness hall to visit a meeting in the Preston Lancashire area in the uk
places of worship (Preston-Lancashire)
by daveh2001uk 12 Replies latest jw experiences
You're trying to do what??????????
Try this one for size:
Kingdom Hall
11 St. Pauls Road
PR1 1UDTel: 01772 886630
I'm da_luvvin_bruvva!
Hello da_luvvin_bruvva!
I'm Matty. Seems like daveh2001uk has got what he wants out of me and bogged off. It also looks like you were as surprised as the rest of us that he would want to use this site to locate a kingdom hall. It's a bit like going into an alcoholics anonymous meeting to ask where the nearest pub is!
Don't they have telephone books in your country?
You see, here in the States, we have telephone books. In them, there is a section called the yelow pages. In the yellow pages, called that because they are yellow, is a section for churchs. You can find this section under the letter "C". In that section is a list of all the kingdom halls. This is found in the subsection termed, "Jehovah's Witnesses."
I hope I have been of help to you. -
How far down are you in detoxing from the dubbs?
maybe u can move to another town in another state and simply not go to the hall
recoveringexjw! Why did you dredge this old post up!?
Actually this post is really funny to me now, because I actually already knew da_luvvin_bruvva from his dub dayz, but I didn't realise this at the time of making the post, the penny only dropped about a month or so later!