How Some Climb Up So Quickly?!!

by Sofia Lose 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    Our current CO has not been in the Org all that long, less than 10 years, and already quite a respected overseer. I know of a few married couples in the Spanish congs that are doing everything right, you know, with the theocratic schooling, the pioneering, etc., and... NOTHING!

    How do some seem to reach certain posts so damn quick, while others cannot make it?! Any experiences?


  • DesirousOfChange

    Some move up fast if they have a family member who is a "heavy" in the Borg -- father, uncle, etc.

    Others move up fast because they were "brought into The Troof" by a "heavy" who helps them up the ladder.

    I'm sure there may be some who jumped in head first and were gung ho from the get go and got noticed by some "heavy" or CO.


  • Finkelstein

    Sometimes its just a case of personality, speaking abilities and what you know and who are your associated friends .

    You certainly aren't going to climb the ladder in this institution with skeletons in your closet or even having family members with skeletons in their closet, you might just make it to an elder position but thats most likely as far as your going to go.

  • sir82
    Significant & discreet cash (or non-cash perks - travel, gifts, etc.) "donations" to the right people at the right time also don't hurt your chances of quick advancement.
  • TTATTelder

    Gung-ho, company man with some abilities - blended with good politics.

    Basically like any sizable business.


  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    And believe me, being an elder is nothing more than problems on top of problems, the most thankless job ever inside this Org. All the elders in my immediate and extended family certainly think so.

    CO and above is when you get to pull rank and the dough starts rolling in with the 'green handshakes', the Org sending a monthly check and the congs covering all the weekly expenses.

    All the COs we have known through the years have taken super expensive vacations.


  • done4good

    TTATTElder has it correct.

    To some degree or other, the same applies almost anywhere, (in the corporate world). WTS is a corporation, so this should come as no surprise.


  • warehouse
    Others move up fast because they were "brought into The Troof" by a "heavy" who helps them up the ladder.

    I can't tell you how many times I've seen this. People who change their lives, come from the world and make a transformation are literally worshiped by JWs. The yearbook is filled with nothing but the typical "I did drugs and slept around, and now my life is serving Jah!" type experiences.

    If you grow up in jw-land, no one could care less because your life is boring, pedestrian and drama free. Plus they can't publish and sell the born-in story because it doesn't make the organization look any better to outsiders.

  • millie210
    TTATTelder3 minutes agoGung-ho, company man with some abilities - blended with good politics.
    Basically like any sizable business

    I agree. A good company man. Doesnt rock boats. Wife does the appropriate things and doesnt appear to challenge elders or their wives. Kids are little or also doing the "right" things.

    Brown-noser but with good people skills Good speaking skills from platform. Loyally supports the powers that be.

    Helps if the brother wanting to climb has a skill or service (lets say a landscaping business for instance) and he volunteers lots of work and equipment on workdays at the Hall and also taking care of elders homes on the side.

    Money and who you know are important but I was trying to address the younger man who does it on his own (relatively speaking).

  • Magnum

    Less than ten years!?!? Good grief. Can you imagine? He came in ten years after the 1995 "generation" change. He doesn't know what it was like before the change. He must know very little of the older JWdom. There's no way he could have the feel for it that some of us have. He probably knows nothing or at most very little about the old Franz era books - the deeper ones. Wow! That's hard to believe. I was just starting to really lose my steam when he came in.

    I imagine that such will become more common as the pickings get slimmer. They just don't have that many to choose from anymore.

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