Preparing for Governing Body 3.0? Making older GB step down? (New September Watchtower)

by FusionTheism 28 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Paragraph 6: The mature Christian shows humility in that he recognizes that Jehovah’s ways and standards are always better than his own. [Footnote: For example, older, experienced brothers may be asked to step aside from certain responsibilities and to lend support to younger brothers as they take on those responsibilities.]

    He zealously preaches the good news and contributes to the unity of the congregation.

    This has nothing to do with the WBT$ GB "Rock Star" Popes..

    It`s a Candy Coated Explanation..

    As To How the WBT$ Treats Older JW Bethelites/COs.. Ect..Ect..ect......After A Lifetime Of Service..


    ..YOUR USED UP.....F*CK OFF..
    ....Image result for Watchtower anthony morris.............Image result for sad old man

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    Joe, the Governing Body has only to claim that we are so close to the end it is now necessary to begin training those who will take the lead when they, the Governing Body, are resurrected to heaven. Thus some among the non-anointed Helpers will enter the holy and begin their training to take the lead by becoming a voting member of the Governing Body.

    "Let us thank Jehovah for this provision"... will be their claim. And the friends in the congregations will gladly buy it.

  • Gayle

    to update - correct if wrong

    Herd - 80 yrs.

    Loesch - 74 yrs.

    Splane - 71 yrs.

    Lett - 66 yrs.

    Morris - 65 yrs.

    Jackson - 60 yrs.

    Sanderson - 50 yrs.

  • freddo

    No. The GB are pretty much insulated. This is so they can apply it as they wish elsewhere down the foodchain.

    At the moment it's CoBE's at 80 and TO's at 70. Tho' interestingly it seems a stand in CO can still be over 70.

    Also they can use "the guideline" to "kindly" kick Assembly Hall Overseers and RBC/LDC big wigs out when they feel like it.

  • pronomono

    The rest of the GB will pull a Guy Pierce......

    .... and take it to the grave.

    No retirement or stepping aside for them.

  • BluesBrother
    older, experienced brothers may be asked to step aside from certain responsibilities

    Unless procedures have changed radically , a man may be asked to step down from , say conducting the WT study or being COBE, but he always remains an elder.

    I have been on b of e where we had men who were completely non functioning anymore but the kept their title " out of love and respect"

    I doubt that this means any of the current TV stars are expecting retirement soon.

  • _Morpheus
    No gb memeber ever stepped down due to declining health or afe. Several have died in the infirmary of age related maladies and were still on the GB
  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me
    The current Governing Body is like no other. They do as they please and if they please to retire for so called medical/age reasons they will do so. In truth, it would be displaying a mature attitude to choose to retire when the job becomes too hard than to do as previous GB members and keep holding the title for the sake of the title. To retire would be seen as a sign of humility on their part and well received by the brothers and sisters.
  • Incognito

    As they consider their positions as chosen by God, their positions as GB & FDS will carry on until death.

    While they may train others as Hold Me - TM suggests, a trainee will not assume replacement of a GB member until that GB member passes on.

    Previous head honchos ( WT Presidents) up until Fred Franz were presidents until death. During Franz's rein, power was removed from the President and was transferred to the GB so the President then became less significant and therefore replaceable without consequence.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me
    A member of the Governing Body acts as the FDS when the GB is meeting together. He is not the FDS on his own apart from the rest of the GB. If he chooses to retire he will continue be an anointed brother.

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