Hello everyone,
I would like to share with you some points.
When reading the WTBS Inc. publications one wonders how it is possible to publish
‘opinions ‘, ‘ideas ‘ , ‘ viewpoints’ , ‘understandings’ etc . etc. and present them as « ...correct words of truth .. » as it was stated, for example in a Watchtower article almost 12 years ago :
*** w90 12/15 26 'Seeking Delightful Words, Correct Words' ***
”In our day the Greater Congregator, Jesus Christ, has provided spiritual resources far beyond those enjoyed by God’s people under ancient Israelite kings. (Matthew 12:42)
For over a century, delightful, correct words of truth covering every aspect of life have been presented in the Watch Tower Society’s publications and widely distributed in many languages.”
Note the statement:
“ ...for over a century...correct words of truth...
have been presented in the Watch Tower Society’s publications..”
and according to the “Theocratic Ministry School
guidebook “(published by the WTBS Inc. in 1971)
page 110 , paragraph 9, there is a basic reason for all
these “..words of truth ..”, let’s read the statement:
*** sg 110 21 Informative Material, Clearly Presented ***
9 Accuracy of statement. Jehovah’s witnesses are an organization of truth. We should want to speak the truth and be absolutely accurate in every detail at all times. This should be so not only as regards doctrine but also in our quotations, what we say about others or how we represent them, also in matters involving scientific data or news events.”
The WTBS Inc. even publishes comments , from readers concerning, among other things mentioned,
the accuracy of the publications. Example:
*** g89 2/8 28 From Our Readers ***
”I appreciate the deep insight you give to all sorts of problems that arise in life, along with the fine counsel. All other religions have inconsistencies, but the teachings in your publications never conflict. They are logical and, above all, accurate. What makes me most happy is that little by little I feel my life becoming more enjoyable as I change from the empty way of life I have led until now to one that is worthwhile.
M. O., Japan”
Another point , to keep always in mind, when reading the WTBS Inc. ‘ publications is concerning the origin of such “...spiritual food “.
*** w88 3/1 17 My Life in Jehovah's Spirit-Directed Organization **
Jehovah is simultaneously feeding all his people spiritually through The Watchtower and other Biblical publications. All of this is evidence that Christ Jesus has been our ruling King since 1914 and that he will successfully lead us through the “great tribulation” just ahead.
and more recently commenting about a “ mature
Christian “, a Watchtower article , August 1,2001
page 14, paragraph 8 stated:
“Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth
as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son,
Jesus Christ, and “the faithful and discrete slave.”
One of the latest reminders, of this kind, can be found in the material, for the “weekly book study” of the book “Isaiah’s prophecy Light for all Mankind “ scheduled for the week of the 3rd June 2002, page 310, paragraph 18 :
“ Each Christian should listen carefully as Jehovah speaks through the pages of the Bible and
through Bible-based publications provided by “the faithful and discreet slave.”(Matthew 24:45-47)
As, everyone can understands ...Jehovah, is
behind all the teaching material of the WTBS Inc.
As a matter of fact, from the above quotes we have been informed by the WTBS Inc. that it is always only through them “the faithful and discreet slave ...” that:
1) “...Jehovah speaks...”
2) it is possible to know “the truth as it is
revealed by Jehovah ...”
3) “...Jehovah is simultaneously feeding all
his people spiritually...”
Anyhow, the WTBS Inc. also exorted the following:
“Since God has given you intellectual capacity
to investigate the world around you and to ask questions concerning spiritual matters...”
and also :
“...it is the course of wisdom to make sure that your beliefs are shaped, not by human wisdom and desires,but, rather by God’s revealed Word of truth”
(w. 1.08.2001 pages 4-6)
Having presented such bases from the WTBS Inc.
publications, I’ll try to give an example of an honest,
humble examinations of the facts to establish
the truth.
The subject of the research is part of a Watchtower
article – more precisely 3 paragraphs – from the
Watchtower January 1, 2000 pages 9 and 10. The subheading was :
"A progressive Cleansing.
(§) 15 During some 40 years up until Christ's heavenly rule began in 1914, the Bible Studentshad been freed from many of
the non -Biblical doctrines of Christendom, such as infant baptism, immortality of the human soul , purgatory hellfire torment and a
Trinitarian God. But it took additional time
to purge all wrong ideas. For example, in the 1920's many Bible Students wore a pin featuringa cross-and-crown emblem, and they celebrated Christmas and other pagan holidays. However, for worship to be pure, all vestiges of idolatry must be discarded. God's Word, the Holy Bible , must be the sole basis of the Christian's faith and way of life.
(Isaiah 8:19,20; Romans 15:4) It is wrong to add to God's Word or take anything away from it.- Deuteronomy 4:2; Revelation 22:18,19 "
-Question on § 15:
" What progressive cleansing began even before 1914? "
The article continues with § 16 and 17:
"One example will underline how important this principle is. In 1886 when C.T. Russell
published a book that came to be called The Divine Plan of the Ages , this volume contained a chart linking the ages of mankind with the Great Pyramid of Egypt. It was thought that this memorial of Pharaoh Khufu was the pillar referred at Isaiah 19 :19,20 : « In that
day there will prove to be an altar to Jehovah in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar
to Jehovah beside it boundary. And it must prove to be for a sign and for a witness to
Jehovah of armies in the land of Egypt. » What relationship could the pyramid have with the Bible ? Well, as an example , the lenght of certain passages in the Great Pyramid was said to indicate the time for the
beginning of the « great tribulation » of Matthew 24 :21, as it was then understood.
Some Bible Students became engrossed with measuring different features of the pyramid to determine such matters as the day they would go to heaven !
(§17 ) This so-called Bible in Stone was held in esteem for some decades, until the Watchtower issues of November 15 and December 1 , 1928, made clear that Jehovah needed no stone monument built by pagan pharaohs and containing demonic signs of astrology to confirm the witness given in the Bible. Rather Isaiah’s prophecy was seen to have a spiritual application. As at Revelation 11 :8, « Egypt » is symbolic of Satan’s world.
The « altar to Jehovah « reminds us of the acceptable sacrifices made by anointed Christians while they are temporary residents in this world.(Romans 12 :1 ; Hebrews 13 :15,16) The pillar « beside (Egypt’s)
boundary » points to the congregation of anointed Christian , which is « a pillar and support of the truth » and which stand as a witness in « Egypt », the world that they are about to leave-1 Timothy 3 :15. «
Question on paragraphs 16 and 17 :
(a) What false idea did the watchman class
hold for some decades ? (b) What is the correct explanation of the « altar » and the « pillar « in « Egypt » ?
One of the first things that came across my mind, reading these 3 paragraphs was why
the WTBS Inc. would in the year 2000 write about such things. Was it an effort to give some informations and comments concerning the early times of the « Bible Students « and brother Charles Taze Russell.
Notice also the use of therms such : « Non-Biblical doctrines of Christendom « and then call other aspects : « ...wrong ideas «
We all know that all the things mentioned in § 15, were published already in the ' Proclaimers ' book in 1993 and there we find :
*** jv 200 14 "They Are No Part of the World" ***
[Box/Pictures on page 200, 201]
Practices That Have Been Abandoned
This Christmas celebration at Brooklyn Bethel in 1926 was their last. The Bible Students gradually came to appreciate that neither the origin of this holiday nor the practices associated with it honored God
For years, Bible Students wore a cross and crown as a badge of identification, and this symbol was on the front cover of the “Watch Tower” from 1891 to 1931.
But in 1928 it was emphasized that not a decorative symbol but one’s activity as a witness showed he was a Christian.
In 1936 it was pointed out that the evidence indicates that Christ died on a stake, not a two-beamed cross
In their “Daily Manna” book, Bible Students kept a list of birthdays. But after they quit celebrating Christmas and when they realized that birthday celebrations were giving undue honor to creatures (one reason that early Christians never celebrated birthdays), the Bible Students quit this practice too.”
We also are aware of the fact the WTBS Inc. had to publish the book “Proclaimers” in an attempt to inform the JW’s in general of their - distant history – because a powerful tool... the world wibe web – Internet – was full of informations concerning the early “Bible Students “ and offered free to all ...ONLINE just ready to download many of the early publications, which as most of us already know are NOT avalaible any longer, making extremely difficult retrace with accuracy the official teachings of the “Bible Students” from the time of Charles Taze Russell. In the Internet there are also the editions of the “Zion’s Watchtower ..” from 1879 until 1916.
Before going to the core of the research, let’s see some example of things written by the WTBS Inc. concerning C.T. Russell:
*** jv 621 28 Testing and Sifting From Within ***
Was God Using a Visible Channel?
It certainly could not be expected that God would use C. T. Russell if he did not loyally adhere to God’s Word. (Jer. 23:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17)
God would not use a man who fearfully refrained from preaching what he saw clearly written in the Scriptures. (Ezek. 2:6-8) Nor would God use a person who exploited his knowledge of the Scriptures to bring glory to himself. (John 5:44) So, what do the facts show?
As Jehovah’s Witnesses today review the work that he did, the things he taught, his reason for teaching them, and the outcome, they have no doubt that Charles Taze Russell was, indeed, used by God in a special way and at a significant time.
And also :
*** jv 622-3 28 Testing and Sifting From Within ***
Brother Russell claimed no supernatural power, no divine revelations. He did not claim credit for what he taught. He was an outstanding student of the Bible.
But he explained that his remarkable understanding of the Scriptures was due to ‘the simple fact that God’s due time had come.’ He said: “If I did not speak, and no other agent could be found, the very stones would cry out.”
He referred to himself as being simply like an index finger, pointing to what is stated in God’s Word.”
From the above quotes one sees how C.T. Russell is presented and the WTBS Inc. make an interesting comment:
“As Jehovah’s Witnesses today review the work that he did, the things he taught, his reason for teaching them,..”
Another important thing to be kept in mind is the statement at the end of § 15 : “ It is wrong to add to God’s Word or to take anything away from it.- Deuteronomy 4:2; Revelation 22:19,19.”
By the way how can we review the work that he did , if the WTBS Inc., doesn’t make avalaible for everyone to examine, but we are very grateful to the various Bible
Students groups for making avalaible on the Internet.
Now to the paragraph 16 and note some of the wording:
· “...it was thought that...”
· “ ...was said to indicate....”
· “ ...as it was then understood...”
· “ ....Some Bible Students...”
· “...held in esteem for some decades “
.* “...what false idea ..”
As usual no direct statement nor any explicit declaration , about the clear identity of those expounding, yes...teaching those ideas, ...views. Today we know that
C.T. Russell taught publicly and in writing about the Great
Pyramid , including the chart in the book “The Divine Plan
of the Ages” But what the WTBS Inc. omitted to write,
on The Watchtower January 1, 2000, that C.T. Russell
wrote extensively in the Studies in the Scriptures,
Volume Three, Study 10 (first issued in 1891) on the subject:
“The Corroborative Testimony of GOD’S STONE WITNESS and PROPHET the Great Pyramid in Egypt “
For the sake of clarity I’ll give few lines of it - courtesy of the “ North Seattle Bible Students “.
The entire study 10 is avalaible at:
Here are some parts of it:
Brother William M. Wright, on learning that this chapter on the Great Pyramid was written, requested that he might have the reading of it before it would be put into type, as he had already considerable knowledge of the Pyramid. This we gladly granted, assuring him of our desire for all the criticism possible. After reading the MS., Bro. Wright concluded that, as we desired criticism, the higher the standing of the critic the better. Accordingly he made a typewritten copy of the MS., and by permission mailed it to Prof. C. Piazzi Smyth, who is generally accorded a greater knowledge of the Great Pyramid's construction and measurements than any other man in the world, requesting that he examine the MS. carefully and note upon it any criticism he might have to offer in the interest of the truth. The Professor's answer to that letter, together with the MS. copy sent him, which bore his marks of criticism, when received were sent to the author. We thank Bro. Wright and Prof. Smyth for their kindness, and have followed the corrections indicated; which, however, only three in all, we were pleased to note were not of special importance. Only one of the criticisms was upon measurements, and it showed a variance of only one inch, which we gladly corrected.
Thinking it might be interesting to our readers we give below
Prof. C. Piazzi Smyth's Letter
Clova, Ripon, England, Dec. 21, 1890 Wm. M. Wright, Esq.,
Dear Sir: I have been rather longer than I could have wished in looking over the MS. of your friend, C. T. Russell of Allegheny, Pa., but I have now completed a pretty careful examination, word by word. And that was the least I could do, when you so kindly took the pains to send it with such care between boards by registered parcel, with every page flat, and indited by the typewriter in place of the hand.
At first I could only find slips of the said typewriter, but as I progressed through the pages, the powers, the specialties and the originalities of the Author came out magnificently; and there were not a few passages I should have been glad to take a copy of for quotation, with name, in the next possible edition of my own Pyramid book. But of course I did nothing of that sort, and shall wait with perfect patience and in most thankful mood of mind for when the author of Scripture Studies shall choose his own time for publishing. So I merely remark here that he is both good and new in much that he says on the chronology of various parts of the Pyramid, especially the First Ascending Passage and its granite plug; on the Grand Gallery, as illustrating the Lord's life; on the parallelisms between the King's Chamber and its granite, against the Tabernacle and its gold; and generally on the confirmations or close agreements between Scripture and the Great Pyramid, well commented on.
In the meanwhile, it seems that I am indebted to you for your kind gift of long ago of the first two volumes of Scripture Studies. I did not at the time get further than the first half of the first volume, finding the matter, as I thought, not quite so new as I had expected. But after having profited, as I hope, so much by a thorough reading of this advanced pyramid chapter of the third volume, I must take up the first two volumes again, de novo.
The parcel will go back between its boards, registered. I remain, with many thanks,
Yours respectfully,
C. Piazzi Smyth
General Description of the Great Pyramid--Why of Special Interest to Christians--The Great Pyramid a Storehouse of Truth--Scientific, Historic and Prophetic--Bible Allusions to It--Why, When and by Whom Built--Importance of Its Location--Its Scientific Lessons--Its Testimony Concerning the Plan of Redemption--The Plan of the Ages--The Death and the Resurrection of Christ Indicated--The Downward Course of the World, Ending in a Great Time of Trouble-- The Nature of the Trouble--The Great Reformation Movement Marked--Length of the Jewish Age Indicated--The "High Calling" of the Gospel Church Shown--The Course of the Church's Consecration --The End of the High Calling Marked--Date of the Second Advent of Christ--How Restitution Blessings for the World are Indicated --The Course of the World During the Millennial Age--Its End--Contrast of the Two Conditions, Human and Spiritual, as Indicated in the Pyramid--The Pyramid Refutes Atheism, Infidelity and all Evolution Theories, and Verifies both the Plan of the Bible and Its Appointed Times and Seasons.
"In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt." `Isa. 19:19,20` THE ancients recounted seven wonders of the world, and at the very head of the list named the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. It is situated in Egypt, not far from the present city of Cairo. No other building in the world equals it in size. One of the leading granite men of this country, who made a personal inspection of the Great Pyramid, says: "There are blocks of stone in the Pyramid which weigh three or four times as much as one of the obelisks. I saw a stone whose <314> estimated weight was 880 tons. There are stones in it thirty feet in length which fit so closely together that you may run a penknife over the surface without discovering the breaks between them. They are not laid with mortar, either. There is now no machinery so perfect that it will make two surfaces thirty feet in length which will meet together as these wonderful stones in the Great Pyramid meet." It covers an area of about thirteen acres. It is 486 feet high and 764 feet broad at its base. It is estimated that the Great Pyramid weighs six million tons, and that to remove it would require six thousand steam engines, each drawing one thousand tons. In fact, the wealth of Egypt is not sufficient to pay laborers to demolish it. From these facts it is evident that, whoever was its great designer, he intended that it should be an enduring monument.
Viewed from whatever standpoint we please, the Great Pyramid is certainly the most remarkable building in the world; but in the light of an investigation which has been in progress for the past thirty-two years, it acquires new interest to every Christian advanced in the study of God's Word; for it seems in a remarkable manner to teach, in harmony with all the prophets, an outline of the plan of God, past, present and future.
It should be remembered that, aside from the Great Pyramid here referred to, there are others, some of stone and some of brick; but all of them are mere attempts to copy it, and are in every way inferior--in size, accuracy and internal arrangement. And it has also been demonstrated that, unlike the Great Pyramid, they contain no symbolic features, but were evidently designed and used as sepulchers for the royal families of Egypt.
The Great Pyramid, however, proves to be a storehouse of important truth--scientific, historic and prophetic--and its testimony is found to be in perfect accord with the Bible, <315> expressing the prominent features of its truths in beautiful and fitting symbols. It is by no means an addition to the written revelation: that revelation is complete and perfect, and needs no addition. But it is a strong corroborative witness to God's plan; and few students can carefully examine it, marking the harmony of its testimony with that of the written Word, without feeling impressed that its construction was planned and directed by the same divine wisdom, and that it is the pillar of witness referred to by the prophet in the above quotation.
If it was built under God's direction, to be one of his witnesses to men, we might reasonably expect some allusion to it in the written Word of God. And yet, since it was evidently a part of God's purpose to keep secret, until the Time of the End, features of the plan of which it gives testimony, we should expect that any reference to it in the Scriptures would be, as it is, somewhat under cover--to be recognized only when due to be understood.
Isaiah, as above quoted, testifies of an altar and pillar in the land of Egypt, which "shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt." And the context shows that it shall be a witness in the day when the great Savior and Deliverer shall come to break the chains of oppression and to set at liberty Sin's captives--of which things our Lord preached at his first advent. (`Luke 4:18`) The scope of this prophecy is but dimly seen, however, until Egypt is recognized as a symbol or type of the world of mankind, full of vain philosophies, which only darken their understandings, but ignorant of the true light. As Israel typified the world which shall be delivered from the bondage of Sin by the great antitype of Moses, and whose sin-offering has been given by the antitype of Aaron, so Egypt represents the empire of Sin, the dominion of death (`Heb. 2:14`), which for so long has held in chains of slavery many who will be glad to <316> go forth to serve the Lord under the leadership of one like unto but greater than Moses. `Acts 3:22,23`
In many passages of Scripture the symbolic character of Egypt is indicated; for instance, `Hosea 11:1` and `Matt. 2:13-15`. Here, aside from the fact that our Lord as a babe was for a time actually in the land of Egypt, and Israel also for a time actually in Egypt, there is evidently a typical significance as well. The Son of God was in the world for a time for the sake of those he came to redeem and deliver; but he was called out of it--Egypt--to the higher, divine nature. Likewise those who are called to be his brethren and joint-heirs, the "members of his body," the true Israel of God, are called out of Egypt; and the Master testifies, "They are not of this world, even as I am not of this world."
`Isaiah (31:1,3)`, referring to the great trouble now impending, says, "Woe unto them that go down to Egypt [to the world] for help [for worldly ideas and plans, and for counsel as to how they should act in the crisis of this great day]; and stay on horses [who endeavor still to ride the old, false doctrinal hobbies], and trust in chariots [worldly organizations] because they are many; and in horsemen [the great leaders in false doctrines] because they are very strong; but who look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the Lord [for the safety and victory in this day of trouble will not be with the multitude]!...Now the Egyptians are men, and not God, and their horses flesh, and not spirit. When the Lord shall stretch out his hand [his power--the power of the truth and other agencies--as he will do shortly], both he that helpeth shall fall, and he that is helped [by the powers of Egypt--the world's ideas] shall fall down, and they all shall fail together."
It will be after all human plans and schemes have failed them, and when men shall have learned their own sinfulness and helplessness, that they will begin to cry unto the <317> Lord for help. Then Jehovah will show himself a great Savior; and he has already prepared the Great Pyramid as a part of his instrumentality for convincing the world of his wisdom, foreknowledge and grace. "It shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts [a witness to his foreknowledge and to his gracious plan of salvation, as we shall presently see] in the land of Egypt: for they [the Egyptians --the poor world, during the great time of trouble coming] shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a Savior, and a great one; and he shall deliver them. And the Lord shall be known to Egypt [the world], and the Egyptians shall know the Lord in that day [in the Millennial day--at the close of the time of trouble], and shall do service with sacrifice and oblation: yea, they shall make vows unto the Lord and perform them. But the Lord shall smite Egypt [the world--in the great time of trouble just at hand]. He shall smite and heal it. And they shall return unto the Lord, and he shall be entreated of them, and shall heal them." `Isa. 19:19-22`
While the additional, corroborative evidence given by the Great Pyramid to the written Word of God will be a fresh cause of rejoicing to the saints, it is manifest that its witnessing is chiefly intended for the world of mankind during the Millennial age. The testimony of this peculiar and remarkable witness will give to mankind fresh ground for faith and love and zeal, when in due time their hearts are prepared for the truth. It is remarkable, too, that (like the Plan of the Ages in the written Word) this stone "Witness" kept silence until now, when its testimony shall shortly be delivered to (Egypt) the world. But the saints, the friends of God from whom he will hide nothing, are privileged to hear the testimony of this witness now, before the worldly mind is ready to appreciate its testimonies. Only when ready to obey the Lord can any appreciate his witnesses.
`Jeremiah (32:20)`, when speaking of God's mighty works, declares that he hath "set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even unto this day." God showed signs and wonders in Egypt when he brought Israel out in triumph; but he also "set signs and wonders" there, which remain "even unto this [our] day." The Great Pyramid, we believe, is the principal one of these very signs and wonders; and it now begins to speak to scientists in their own language, and through them to all men.
The Lord's questions and statements to `Job (38:3-7)`, concerning the earth, find a remarkable illustration in the Great Pyramid, which is believed, in itself and by its measurements, to represent the earth and God's plan with reference to it. The illustration used is that of a building, and we believe that it fits only to a structure of pyramid shape. The language, while it applies primarily to the earth, is framed to fit the illustration given in the Great Pyramid. First, the preparation of the foundation, the rock on which the Great Pyramid is built, is noted. Second, the arrangement of its measures, a feature very prominently shown in the Great Pyramid, which abounds in significant measurements. "Who hath stretched the line upon it?" The perfection of the shape of the Great Pyramid, and its exactness in every respect, prove that its construction was guided by some master architect. "Whereupon are the sockets thereof made to sink?" The Great Pyramid has four corner socket-stones sunk into the solid rock. "Or who laid the corner-stone thereof?" A pyramid has five corner-stones, but the reference here is to one particular corner-stone--the top stone. The four sunk as socket-stones into the rock have already been referred to, and the remaining one is the top corner-stone. This is the most remarkable stone in the structure-- itself a perfect pyramid, the lines in the entire structure conform to it. The question, therefore, with reference to it is significant, <319> and calls attention to its peculiar fitness, and the wisdom and skill which prepared and placed it as the top stone.
This ancient structure being thus repeatedly referred to in the Scriptures, we cannot doubt that, if questioned, this "Witness" of the Lord in the land of Egypt will bear such testimony as will honor Jehovah, and fully correspond with his written Word. We thus introduce this "Witness" because the inspiration of its testimony will doubtless be as much disputed as that of the Scriptures, by the prince of darkness, the god of this world, and those whom he blinds to the truth.
Why, When and by Whom
was the Great Pyramid Built?
This question has been much discussed of late years, from both scientific and Scriptural standpoints. For thousands of years no satisfactory answer to the question was discovered. The old theory that it was built as a vault or tomb for an Egyptian king is unworthy of credence; for, as we shall see, it required more than the wisdom of the present day, to say nothing of that of Egypt four thousand years ago, to design such a structure. Besides, it contains nothing in the way of casket, mummy or inscription. It was not until we had come into the time called in Daniel's prophecy "the Time of the End," when knowledge should be increased, and the wise should understand God's plan (`Dan. 12:4,9,10`), that the secrets of the Great Pyramid began to be understood, and our questions began to have a reasonable answer.
The first work of importance on the subject, proving that the Great Pyramid possessed scientific features, was by Mr. John Taylor, of England, A.D. 1859, since which time the attention of many able minds has been given to the further study of the testimony of this wonderful "Witness"; especially <320> since Prof. Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer-Royal for Scotland, visited it, for several months made its peculiarities a study and gave to the world the remarkable facts of its construction and measurements, and his conclusions therefrom. To his scholarly and scientific work, "Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid," we are mainly indebted for the data made use of in this chapter. Our illustrations are copies of a few of the twenty-five plates with which the latest edition of that work is embellished.
A few years after Prof. Smyth's return, came the suggestion that the Great Pyramid is Jehovah's "Witness," and that it is as important a witness to divine truth as to natural science. This was a new thought to Prof. Smyth, as well as to others. The suggestion came from a young Scotsman, Robert Menzies, who, when studying the scientific teachings of the Great Pyramid, discovered that prophetic and chronological teachings coexist in it.
Soon it became apparent that the object of its construction was to provide in it a record of the divine plan of salvation, no less than the record of divine wisdom relating to astronomical, chronological, geometrical, and other important truths. However, not having discerned the scope and completeness of the plan of salvation revealed in the Scriptures, these gentlemen have thus far failed to note the most wonderful and beautiful features of the Great Pyramid's testimony in this direction, which we now find to be a most full and complete corroboration of the plan of the ages and the times and seasons therewith associated, as taught in the Scriptures and presented in this and the preceding volumes of the Scripture Studies series. And, further, we see that this storehouse of knowledge, like the major part of the Bible store, was kept purposely sealed until its testimony should be needed and appreciated. Does this imply that its great Architect knew that a time would come when its testimony <321> would be necessary? In other words, that a time would come when God's written Word would be lightly esteemed, and even his very existence questioned? when human philosophy, under the name of science, would be lauded and every proposition subjected to its tests? Has God decided to prove himself and his wisdom by those very tests? So it would appear. This structure will yet confound the wisdom of the wise as a "Witness" for the Lord of hosts--"IN THAT DAY"--which is already begun.
Prof. Smyth has concluded that the Great Pyramid was built in the year 2170 B.C., reaching this conclusion, first, from astronomical observations. Perceiving that the upward passage angles correspond to a telescope, and that the "Entrance Passage" corresponds to an astronomer's "pointer," he set about to investigate to what particular star it could have pointed at any time in the past. Calculations showed that a Draconis, the dragon-star, had occupied a position in the heavens which looked directly down the entrance, at midnight of the autumnal equinox, B.C. 2170. Then, considering himself as an astronomer at that date, with his pointer fixed upon a Draconis, and considering the ascending passages as though they were a telescope, which they much resemble, he calculated what constellation or what notable star would have been before his telescope thus fixed at the particular date indicated by his pointer, and found that it must have been the Pleiades. So wonderful a coincidence convinced him that the date of the Great Pyramid's building was thus indicated; for a Draconis is no less a symbol of sin and Satan than Pleiades is a symbol of God and the center of the universe. The Great Pyramid thus indicates that its Architect knew of the prevalence of evil and of its domination over the downward course of mankind, and indicates also what lies beyond all human sight--that the only hope for the race is in Jehovah.
This conclusion of Prof. Smyth's as to the date of the Great Pyramid's building, was most abundantly corroborated, later, by certain measurements by which the Great Pyramid indicates its own date of construction. A realization of the fact that the Great Pyramid exhibits a wisdom of design which the Egyptians could not have possessed--a divine wisdom which must have been worked out under the supervision of some inspired servant of God--has led to the conjecture that Melchizedek was its builder. He was "king of Salem [that is, king of peace] and priest of the Most High God," and as a person and type occupied so high a position as to be a blesser of Abraham, who also paid him tithes. Of this we can know little, except that Melchizedek was a great and peaceful king, and that he lived about that time, and not far distant from the site of the Great Pyramid. »
and also
« The Great Pyramid's Testimony
Concerning the Plan of the Ages
In a letter to Prof. Smyth, Mr. Robert Menzies, the young Scotsman who first suggested the religious or Messianic feature of the Great Pyramid's teaching, said:
"From the north beginning of the Grand Gallery, in upward progression, begin the years of our Savior's life, expressed at the rate of an inch to a year. Three and thirty inch-years, therefore, bring us right over against the mouth of the Well."
Yes, that "Well" is the key, so to speak, to the whole story. It represents not only our Lord's death and burial, but also his resurrection. This last is shown by the feature already noted, that the mouth of the "Well" and its surroundings look as though an explosion had burst it open from beneath. Thus our Lord burst the bonds of death, thereby bringing life and immortality to light--opening up a new way to life. (`Heb. 10:20`) It was not possible for him to be holden of death (`Acts 2:24`), is the seeming language of the torn rocks surrounding the upper opening of this "Well." As the "Well" was the only way of access to each of these upward passages of the Great Pyramid, so by the death and resurrection of our Redeemer is the only avenue to life on any plane for the fallen race. As the "First Ascending Passage" was there, but impassable, so the Jewish or Law Covenant stood as a way to or offer of life, but a useless or impassable way to life: none of the fallen race ever could or ever did reach life by walking its prescribed course. "By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified" to life. (`Rom. 3:20`) That <338> which the "Well" symbolizes, viz., the ransom, is the only way by which any member of the condemned race can reach the grand provision of the divine plan--lasting life.
and this :
Thus, exactly, does the stone "Witness" corroborate the testimony of the Bible, and show that the period from the exodus of Israel from Egypt until the full end of their national favor,* A.D. 36, was 1650 years. But let none confound this period with the period shown in the Parallels of the Jewish and Christian dispensations--showing the two ages to be each 1845 years in length, the one from the death of Jacob to A.D. 33, and the other from A.D. 33 to A.D. 1878.
And not only was this an ingenious way of hiding and yet furnishing the length of the period from the exodus to the birth of our Lord (to be, in due time, a corroboration of the Bible testimony), but the careful reader will readily see that it could have been done only in some such way, for two reasons: First, because the Jewish dispensation and favor not only began at the death of Jacob, before the exodus from Egypt, but also ran into and parallel to the Christian dispensation for the thirty-three years of our Lord Jesus' earthly life; and, second, because to have made the "First Ascending Passage" long enough to represent fully the Jewish age in year-inches would have necessitated the making of the Pyramid still larger, which in turn would have destroyed its scientific features and lessons.
Here are the closing comments :
Firmly incased in this solid rocky structure, beyond the power of nature's storms or of the ruthless hand of the destroyer, the outline drawings of God's great plan have stood for four thousand years, prepared to give their testimony at the time appointed, in corroboration of the similarly revealed, but for ages hidden, testimony of the sure Word of Prophecy. The testimony of this "Witness to the Lord in the land of Egypt," like that of the written Word, points with solemn and unerring precision to the final wreck of the old order of things in the "Pit" of oblivion, and to the glorious establishment of the new, under Christ Jesus, the great Chief Corner-stone of God's eternal building, in conformity with the lines of whose glorious character all things worthy of everlasting existence must be built up under him. Amen! Amen! Thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven! »
So who was responsible for this addition to God’s word ?
The anonimous brother/sister « SOME « ???
Or the anonimous « Some Bible Students « ?
How can we accept this « explanation « given in 1956 ?
*** w56 5/15 297-8 The Great Pyramid of Giza ***
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Product of the true worship or the false?
THE Great Pyramid of Giza is one of “the seven wonders of the ancient world.” It is the largest of nine pyramids found in Giza, in the valley of the Nile. The Great Pyramid is 486 feet high, or about the height of a modern 40-story building, and each of its four sides is 764 feet long; its base covers thirteen acres. The ratio of its height to the perimeter of its base is the same as that of the radius of a circle to its circumference, a most remarkable feature according to some mathematicians and astronomers. Its four sides line up perfectly with the four directions of the compass.
The date that Herodotus gives for its building would make the Great Pyramid about three thousand years old today, but others insist that he is mistaken and that it was built about four thousand years ago. According to Herodotus and Manetho (Egyptian historian of the third century before Christ), the Great Pyramid was built by Cheops, one of the Shepherd kings who invaded Egypt and easily subdued it, closed all the temples and then compelled one and all to labor for them. “A hundred thousand men laboured constantly and were relieved every three months by a fresh lot. It took ten years’ oppression of the people to make the causeway for the conveyance of the stones, a work not much inferior, in my judgment, to the pyramid itself.” This causeway was three fifths of a mile long, sixty feet wide and reached a height of forty-eight feet, was “built of polished stone, and [was] covered with carvings of animals. . . . The Pyramid itself took twenty years to build.” The two lesser pyramids of Giza, Herodotus tells us, were built by Cheops’ brother and son.
There has been much speculation as to the reason why these pyramids of Giza were built, and in particular why the Great Pyramid was built.
Some have disposed of the problem by claiming that it was built solely as a tomb for Cheops, but is it reasonable that a ruler would direct all the resources of a land such as Egypt toward the building of a tomb, and that for thirty years?
Others have concluded that it was built to house royal treasure, but the cost involved in building such a structure far exceeded all the value of whatever treasure a king might want to place in it! Others have ventured the opinion that it was built to serve as a temple, but that likewise does not seem to be the right explanation, as its smooth and slanting sides made access to its entrances very difficult.
Because none of these theories fully and satisfactorily explain the purpose of building the Great Pyramid, others have developed the hypothesis that it was built under divine inspiration; that perhaps Melchizedek was its builder and that God provided it as a witness in stone to corroborate the Bible.
Such men as John Taylor of London, Professor Smyth and Dr. Edgar of Scotland advocated the theory (*)that the measurements of the Great Pyramid and particularly the measurements of its internal passageways and chambers, were full of Scriptural meaning.
What are the facts? Is the Great Pyramid truly a witness to Jehovah? Was it built by his true worshipers to corroborate the Bible, or was it built by the devotees of pagan religions?
First of all let us note that since God’s Word is a ‘lamp to our feet and a light to our path,’ and was furnished so that we might “be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work,” there is no unfulfilled need that the Great Pyramid with its measurements would serve.—Ps. 119:105; 2 Tim. 3:15-17, NW.
Jehovah God used some forty writers over a period of sixteen centuries to provide us with his Word. Is it reasonable to conclude that even before Moses began to write the Pentateuch God caused a massive structure to be built that was to corroborate his Word? Rather, is it not an insult to God to hold that he felt it necessary to corroborate his inspired Word by some mute edifice? And that its meaning should be hidden from man for several thousand years and revealed only at a time when the structure had been robbed of all its external beauty?
Further, is it reasonable to hold that God would direct the construction of a building covering thirteen acres of ground, consisting of 90 million cubic feet of quarried stone, with stones as much as thirty feet long and estimated to weigh as much as 880 tons each, when all such work had to be done by slave labor? The very fact that the memory of the invading Shepherd kings who constructed these pyramids was so detested by the Egyptians for generations afterward would certainly put the building of the pyramids in the class of Pharaoh’s building program rather than that of King Solomon.
Besides, if the Great Pyramid were built at God’s command should we not expect to find some reference to its construction in God’s Word, the Bible? The Bible tells us of the building of Solomon’s temple and that built under the direction of Governor Zerubbabel; also of the building of a water aqueduct by King Hezekiah, yes and also of the building of the tower of Babel, but not a word about any of the pyramids. Relevant to this argument also is the fact that none of the structures described in God’s Word employ the design of a pyramid.
The fact also cannot be gainsaid that none of the measurements given in the Great Pyramid throw light on the all-important issue of universal sovereignty or why God has permitted evil. Remarkable as some of its measurements seem to appear, it also cannot be denied that these have led to false hopes resulting in disappointments and none of them serve any purpose in magnifying the name of Jehovah and preaching “this good news of the kingdom,” nor are those who put so much store by the Great Pyramid sharing in such preaching work. If there are facts about the Great Pyramid that cannot be explained solely on the basis of human wisdom, then in view of all the foregoing we have no alternative but to conclude that it must have been accomplished by means of demon power rather than by the active force of Jehovah God.
One Scripture text that has been used in times past to support the position that the Great Pyramid is of divine origin reads: “In that day shall there be an altar to Jehovah in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to Jehovah. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto Jehovah of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they shall cry unto Jehovah because of oppressors, and he will send them a saviour, and a defender, and he will deliver them.” By an ingenious set of lines an attempt was made to show how the Great Pyramid was both in the midst of the land of Egypt and at the same time at its border. But no literal structure could literally be both in the midst and at the border of a literal land.—Isa. 19:19, 20, AS.
However, the Bible does use the term Egypt in a figurative sense, as at Revelation 11:7, 8 (NW) where the condition of God’s servants in 1918 and 1919 is described as follows: “And when they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled.”
The term “altar” as used in the above scripture means a place of sacrifice, and today God’s people are offering sacrifices to Jehovah in the midst of antitypical Egypt, Satan’s world. They are also serving as a pillar, as a monument or witness to Jehovah. While it would be impossible for a literal structure to be both in the midst and at the border of a literal land, this can be true in a figurative sense. The witnesses of Jehovah are today found in the midst of or throughout modern Egypt, that is, Satan’s world; and yet in another sense it can be said that they are also at its border in that they are standing at its edge, ready to pass over into the new world after the battle of Armageddon. That they are to serve as witnesses is stated time and again in the Scriptures: “Ye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah, . . . and I am God.” And as for their being a sign, note the words of the Greater Isaiah, Christ Jesus, in which he refers to his followers as children given him: “Behold, I and the children whom Jehovah hath given me are for signs and for wonders.”—Isa. 43:10-12; 8:18, AS; Heb. 2:13.
Regardless of how interesting, fascinating or intriguing the mathematical, chronological and astronomical implications of the Great Pyramid of Egypt might be, they fade into insignificance when compared with the great work Jehovah is having done today by his altar in the midst of Egypt and his pillar at the border. What the people need today is not just an implied corroboration of Bible chronology but the truth regarding the great issue to be settled, Who rules supreme, Jehovah God or Satan the Devil? They need to see the clear line of demarcation that exists between God’s organization and that of the Devil, and they must be shown the urgency of seeking Jehovah, righteousness and meekness before it is too late.—Zeph. 2:1-3.
Since all the evidence points to the fact that the Great Pyramid was not constructed at God’s direction, for Christians to take it seriously would be tantamount to going down to Egypt for help. (Isa. 31:1) Not by means of a pagan slave-labor-built pile of stone but by means of his Word, his organization and his active force, his holy spirit, Jehovah God is training his dedicated servants for the ministry.
There remains but one question. Since it is clear that the Great Pyramid was not built at the direction of Jehovah, and since it appears that it was not built solely to serve as a tomb nor as a storehouse for treasure nor as a temple for pagan worship, can any satisfactory explanation be given of Cheops’ motive for having it built?
Yes, there is one theory that has much to recommend it and that is based on the prominence that the Great Pyramid gives to the sciences of mathematics and astronomy. It is known that in ancient times astronomy and astrology were considered as one. And from Scriptural and secular history it is apparent that the Chaldeans excelled in both. And it further appears that Cheops and those with him, who conquered Egypt with apparently so little effort, came from Chaldea. Therefore, in view of “the mysterious influence which astrologers ascribe to special numbers, figures, positions, and so forth, the care with which the Great Pyramid was so proportioned as to indicate particular astronomical and mathematical relations is at once explained.”
And further, when we consider that “the Chaldeans from the earliest times pursued the study of alchemy in connection with astrology,” by which they hoped to discover the ‘philosopher’s stone,’ and by which in turn they believed they would be able to transmute base metals to gold and silver and at the same time discover the secret of life, then we can find a justification for the building of the Great Pyramid, as a monument erected to astrology with the hope of discovering the fundamental secrets of life and all matter.—The Great Pyramid, R. A. Proctor.
Thus, this most logical explanation of all as to the reasons underlying the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza would indicate that it certainly was not built by those engaging in the true worship of Jehovah God but by those devoted to astrology, a manifestation of Devil religion, and was built in furtherance of such religion.
(*)Bible Students also held to this thought prior to 1928.
Have you noticed? SOME, OTHERS...again the
anonimous bunch.
But where the WTBS Inc. gives names...well there is a footnote
“(*)Bible Students also held to this thought prior to 1928.”
No other comments though. We all know by now that the name
missing is the name of the WTBS Inc. first president and
foremost public teacher and prolific writer: Charles Taze Russell
and surely his successor: Judge J.F.Rutherford!
To go back to what it is written about C.T. Russell
in the year 200, does it harmonize , with statements
of a complete different meaning from the same WTBS Inc. ?
Example : *** jv 622-3 28 Testing and Sifting From Within ***
” Brother Russell claimed no supernatural power, no divine revelations.
He referred to himself as being simply like an index finger, pointing to what is stated in God’s Word.”
and this one:
*** jv 621 28 Testing and Sifting From Within ***
Was God Using a Visible Channel?
It certainly could not be expected that God would use C. T. Russell if he did not loyally adhere to God’s Word. (Jer. 23:28; 2 Tim. 3:16, 17)
So who was really deviating and not adhering to God’s
Why blaming only C.T. Russell , if the “ false idea”
or rather the false teaching , was only corrected
12 years after his death???
How can one reconcile that the Watchtower November
15, 1928 although mentioning in § 14 that “...nowhere
in the Word of God is the Pyramid of Gizeh either
directly or indirectly mentioned...” on page 351 of the
same issue specially recommends to seekers after truth...Volume III of the “Studies in the Scriptures” ??
How can one accept the content of the Watchtower
articles of November 15 and December 1, 1928
in opposition to the origin the Great Pyramid, and conveniently ignore the comment on the book:
“ The Harp of God “ 1928 edition, page 192,
paragraph 317, where after quoting 1 Peter 2:5-7
it says:
“ That others members of the body, then must be built up into Christ to conform to that chief cornerstone,
which is illustrated by the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
See Isaiah 19:19.” ???
Since C.T. Russell ‘s death was in 1916, so
who was writing the book and the Watchtower
To add a last touch , how was it possible that
the WTBS Inc. used the other periodical
“The Golden Age “ to publicize the books:
“ Great Pyramid Passages “ Volumes I and II
(author Morton Edgar, 224 West Regent Street,
Glasgow ,Scotland)
and also recommended in all the editions of
Volume VII of “ Studies in the Scriptures”??
How can one explain that in “The Golden Age”
edition 21 May , 1924 - just more that 4 years –
before the November 15 and December 1 ,1928
Watchtower articles refuting the false teaching
concerning “Great Pyramid”, was published an
article on the Pyramid, making use of Mr. Morton
Edgar measurements, and time measurements
and many of the diagrams???
How can you explain that this article in “The Golden
Age” (21.05.1924) due to the...success was
reprinted in the 21st December 1924 issue of
“the Golden Age”??? Again who was responsible
for this ...public and written false teaching... over
8 years after C.T. Russell’s death???
Who was really still behind the scene
of the “ false idea “ (teaching) that
the “watchman class “ still continued
to hold a long time after the death
of C.T. Russell???
In conclusion, whenever you deal with
material from the WTBS Inc., always make sure
““... that your beliefs are shaped, not by human wisdom and desires,but, rather by God’s revealed Word of truth”.
Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp
P.S. For all those interested in “ Bible Students “Literature
From this link: http://www.heraldmag.org/literature/links.htm
Adrian Bible Students – http://www.angelfire.com/journal2/adrianbiblestudents/truthseekers.htmlStatement of belief and special offers from the Adrian Bible
Students. Associated Bible Students of Central Ohio – http://www.biblestudents.org/absco/Associated Bible Students of Central Ohio – http://www.biblestudents.comMirror Site – http://www.biblestudents.xentec.com/ Two pages of Bible Study material including a selection of video and audio recordings.Associated Bible Students of Jersy City – http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/6854/Bible study material on line and additional materials available by order.Associated Bible Students Wilmington - Chesapeake – http://www.godspromises.orgBible Student (Jack Ensley) – http://users.colfax.com/jensley/Religion.htmBible Students Online (Rolando Rodriguez) – http://www.geocities.com/Athens/4876/Mirror Site – http://www.biblestudendts.netExtensive site of new articles. Of special interest to Jehovah's Witnesses.Bible Students Congregation of New Brunswick – http://www.bible411.comA large choice of current event and doctrinal topics with emphasis on God's dealings with Israel.Bible Students Congregation of New Brunswick (Spanish Language) – http://www.bible411.com/spanishBible Student Convention Page – http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/3187/Listing Bible Student conferences and conventions and their programs.Bible Werkz (A Memorial Meditation) – http://members.aol.com/biblewerkz/index.htmA
Scriptural meditation of the last days of Jesus' life on earth.Chicago Bible Students – http://www.chicagobible.org/Christian reading material on-line.Christian Devotionals and Bible Study Aids – http://members.aol.com/sewhttkr/christia.htmA good source for Christian devotional readings and an outline of God's plans for man.Christian Graphics – http://www.biblestudents.org/harvestgraphics/Tabernacle Pictures to color.Dawn Bible Students – http://www.dawnbible.com"Read the Dawn Magazine on line. Helpful articles on Christian living, doctrine, and current events. "Frank and Ernest" radio and "The Bible Answers" TV schedules."Dutch Language Bible Student Site (Belgium) – http://www.biblestudent.orgFamily Corner – http://www.cmfellowship.org/family.htmArticles of special interest to Christian parents.Los Angeles Bible Students – http://www.heleadethme.orgFocus on Jews who believe in Jesus and will be offering the abbreviated version of the first volume in Hebrew.North Seattle Bible Students – http://www.nsbible.org/The Divine Plan of the Ages and other Bible study aid on lineOakland
County Bible Students – http://www.bibletoday.comPolish Bible Students (in Polish language) – http://www.nastrazy.plPolish Bible Program (in Polish language) – http://www.ist.agh.edu.pl/~dariuszb/biblia.htmlQuiet Waters – http://members.aol.com/quietwtrs/quiet.htmMany assorted readings for the Christian's devotional life in a pleasant graphic setting.Revelation – http://www.revelation-today.com An exposition on the last book of the BibleSan Diego Bible Students – http://members.aol.com/SDBibleStudies in the Scriptures – http://www.eskimo.com/~billz/Truth/Volumes/The popular book, The Divine Plan of the Ages, on line with hypertext to biblical references.The Divine Plan of the Ages – http://www.godsplan-today.comAn illustrated Christian classic.The Divine Plan On Line (Fort Worth) – http://www.divineplan.orgMirror Site – http://www.biblestudents.org/dpo/By the publishers of The Divine Plan Journal. Includes radio and television schedules for the Divine Plan Program.Tim Cimbura's Bible Study Page – http://www.cimbura.com/biblestudyVarious Bible topics available as PDF documents and links to Bible study helps