Bethel Coach Tours

by Simon 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    I'm sure many have seen these at some time:

    I just noticed on their site that they claim:

    Bethel Coach Tours is privately owned & is not sponsored by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
    Soooo ... if some group of non-witnesses wanted a tour ...

    I wonder? DO the WT have no control?

    It's also interesting that they do trips to the well-known biblical and religiously significant island of Hawaii!!

    What a good lark ... no doubt many JDubs round the world will hand over their money just because "it's run by a brother you know".

  • Simon

    d'ya think they'd be interested in advertising on this site I wonder?? We get a lot of visitors ...

  • JeffT

    Might make a good location for an International Apostofest. Wonder what they'd do if say, a thousand of us showed up to tour Bethel?

  • Elsewhere

    That would be funny! A whole bus-load of XJWs on tour of their facility. haha

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • teenyuck


    They even addressed the Bethel visits in the Kingdom Ministry!!

    Just the thought makes me want to take Greyhound....

    Here's some of our most frequently asked questions regarding our tours, bus trips and more:

    What can I take on the bus?

    Take what will make your trip more comfortable. Some suggestions are: pillows, neck supports, blankets, slip on shoes, a small overnight bag to hold a change of clothes, a towel or wash rag, a Bible, song book, the current Watchtower study article and other reading material, etc. Or you could take a small flat top 6 pack ice chest for snacks. There is limited space for such items above and under each seat.

    Are the trips properly supervised?

    Spiritual things and conduct are always a priority, and there is always proper supervision. A talk to this effect is given to all shortly after they board the bus for the first time.

    How much luggage can I take?

    There is plenty of luggage space underneath the bus. But remember, the more you take the more you have to load, unload, and carry to and from your motel rooms. During the course of the trip you will be moving to and from three different hotels. What’s the secret? Pack light!

    Should I buy my film before I leave or in New York?

    It is a good idea to buy all your film (camera or video) before you leave because film is much more expensive at the tourist areas we stop at during the trip.

    What is the dress code for the trip?

    In all instances, at all times, your clothing should be modest and neat. On the trip to and from New York, it is best to dress comfortable. Sweats are excellent because they are comfortable. When touring the Watchtower facilities wear meeting clothes, i.e. dresses or skirts for women and girls, suits and a tie for men and boys. (See the March 1998 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box on page 7). During our play time touring the sites of New York and Canada casual wear is fine as long as it is neat and clean.

    Can we eat on the bus?


    How often do we stop for rest stops or bathroom breaks?

    We stop to eat three times a day plus every two to two and a half hours we stop just to take a brake and go to the bathroom or just walk around for a few minutes. Plus, there is a bathroom on the bus, but it is best to use it only for emergencies.

    Can I make arrangement to meet and spend time with those I know at Bethel?

    Yes. Of course, you have to keep your tour Tour Guide and Group Captain well informed and work within the tour schedule.

    Can I sit by who I want to on the bus?

    Everyone will have a assigned seat but during the daylight hours you are welcome to move around and visit with others. You can even change seats for awhile if the other person doesn't mind

  • Matty

    Oh, the thought of it sends shivers down my spine. And to think I've just done another one recently! Wandering around Mill Hill bethel looking at printers all day, and then to cap it all you just see a load of crummy videos most of the time you are there - like you don't have a VCR at home?!

  • ashitaka


    LOL@"advertising on this site"....


  • teenyuck

    I just called and ordered a brochure and asked to be put on their mailing list.

    Again, if I get any stuff, I will learn how to use the scanner and post them.

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Anyone ever taken one of these tours? I went on one about twelve years ago, though not run by this company. While on the trip, I was deep in the throes of active JWism so I enjoyed it immensely, but upon reflection I don't know how in the world I ever made it for a week on that bus.

    To paraphrase a line from 'Red Dwarf' - It was like being on holiday with a bunch of Germans!

    BTW, no offense to any Germans who might possibly be reading the board.


  • ChuckD

    [quote] ... we stop just to take a brake [quote]

    I think they probably stop to take a break rather than a brake. They may need the brakes to stop the bus.


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