How Much Do Circuit Overseers Make Under the Table, and is it Taxable?

by Tazemanian-devil 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    I would give the CO normally a handshake of $150. Once we had the DO visit and while I was working with him in service, he was explaining all the expenses they had. I had just got a nice bonus from work and gave him a $500 envelope. What a waste. The CO went more often on vacation than I did and the DO was shortly thereafter DFed.

    i know of one CO who bought a house cash when he retired. They are well off. I am sure the same goes for all higher ups, especially the GB.

  • RubaDub

    COs and their wives rack in 100s each week, cash only, in lavish gifts is another story. I would be awe stricken if they report any of it for taxing or any other purpose.


    I feel like I am talking to the wall here at times.

    THERE IS NOT TAX TO BE PAID BY THE RECIPIENT OF A GIFT. None, zilch, nada. It is the DONOR who is responsible for any taxes to the IRS.

    For example, Brother Rich gives the CO and his wife a million dollars. The CO pays no tax since he is the recipient, not the Doner. Brother Rich is the one who must pay the appropriate tax on the gift. Conversely, if Brother Rich received a large gift from someone, Brother Rich pays no tax on that amount since the Donor is responsible for any taxes on that amount.

    Now, what the CO reports to the Society is a different matter and they would likely want it all.

    Rub a Dub

  • thedepressedsoul

    I know that each hall they visit the submit an expense list. Their food, dry cleaning etc... The congregation agrees to pay it. They use to "vote" on it where everyone said yes but now halls just pay it without the needing to vote.

    I also know of a sister who has huge mental problems. The elders are aware and so is the congregation. As in, she's not stable and everyone know it. She gave the CO her tax rebate of over $600 and he took it without the bat of an eye. Even knowing that she had mental issues.


    In my area, considered one of said affluent areas, I know for a fact that most of the elders are giving the CO cash every time he comes. When I was still mentally in I was regularly giving him $50-100 depending on how I was treated during the visit.

    We had 11 elders at the time and some were financially more well off than I was so average lets say each gave $50 so thats $550 just from the elder body, from 1 congregation in a 12-20 cong. circuit. So I think yes they clean up in some areas for sure.

    Keep in mind that this was a estimate based on elders giving only, its all tax free (unreported) and they have a free car, free gas, free dry cleaning, free place to stay, free medical, free dental and in many cases free food.

    Do the math. These guys are doing ok I think.

  • 3rdgen

    thedepressedsoul. What you say is noteworthy. Each congregation has at least a few people who are mentally impaired. As many dubs are getting old now they have dementia.

    I have relatives who were used to giving LARGE green handshakes to Co's and DO's. When they got old and had spent all of their savings the dementia made them FORGET that they could no longer afford to keep doing it. As you said, they ALWAYS take the money regardless of the financial strain it puts on the donor or their caretakers.

    All it takes is for a couple of people per cong to give the co a few hundred $$ and the others to chip in some smaller $$ amounts. Then do the math. There are an average of about 22 congs to a circuit which are visited twice a year. let's say they average $500. in gifts per cong per visit. If they saved all of it at the end of 29 years of "Service" they could retire with $440,000. The smart ones never tell the WTBT$ what they take in on the side.

  • stuckinarut2

    3rdgen: The smart ones never tell the WTBT$ what they take in on the side.

    haha...but you are forgetting that "Jehovah sees everything"

  • Lieu

    Interesting. I don't give "kept men" any money. Unlike Paul, they're simply a burden on others. Heck! The goobers don't even see fit to provide tuna fish sandwiches at conventions anymore.

    Yet after hours of sitting, some with nothing to eat, they want you to give them money. Hell no! They received free, they can give free.

  • fulano
    For me It's shocking to read these experiences. I believe them, of course. What a difference with a missionary assignment. We were happy with a bottle of french wine on saturdays after a ten hours preaching day. At least a third part of my allowance of a 100$ Would go to help sisters with childs with unbelieving husbands.
  • 3rdgen

    I made a typo I meant to say 20 years. At the rate of $500 per visit per cong 29 years in the circuit work could bring as much as $638,000.

  • brandnew

    Ummmm its noted that the society spent like 224 million on these people last why do they need green handshakes.??

    Must be nice.

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