baptism regional Convention

by antes8080 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    thank you antes,, I hope this thread can continue for baptism reporting at these 2015 RCs. Seems with some other RCs reported this summer, that baptisms are very low.

    I am wondering about baptisms, are there also "re-baptisms?" Seems there could be a number of young ones baptized, leave JWs,, later returning and stating they really didn't know what they were doing, and request a 're-baptism' now that they have matured and gotten past their wild, worldly stage. ??? anyone know.?

  • berrygerry

    In the early 80's, the convention ratio (Alberta Canada) was consistently 1% of attendees being baptized.

    This has steadily declined, and was boosted in recent years by baptizing infants.

    The Centennial last year will probably be the end of all growth in western lands.

    It will be very interesting to know the Memorial attendance numbers in the west.

  • antes8080

    Gayle funny you mention that re-baptism I just saw that for the first time someone got baptise 6 months later they say he is not baptise and a couple months a go he got baptise in a CA it was weird.

    14000 is not a big crowd thats Sunday attendance on Friday there was 11000 we're talking about the bigest RC in California held in qualcom stadium that holds 70000. the Spanish will be this weekend all report on that also.

  • prologos
    sour grape vine: 1 baptism for~ 425 attendees.
  • dropoffyourkeylee
    0.36% of attendance is on the low side compared to recent years ( last years International was an exception) There have been similar threads a couple of years ago and the baptisms were running about 0.5% of attendance. Back in the '74-75 heyday it was about 2% of the attendance.
  • joe134cd
    Stagnation or decline is certainly on the agenda in western countries.
  • OneFingerSalute
    12 dunked 3,800 attending All except one were young born ins.
  • antes8080
    on the reacording that wifi bandit put up that RC had 5 people get baptise their last day audience was 2200 on saturday was close to 1900.
  • wifibandit

    Compare that with what the Spanish.

  • tim3l0rd

    7 men and 12 women. At least the ratio of women to men is staying the same.

    Growth has been in the foreign language congregations for a long while. Less access to older publications, a less educated group, immigrants working for peanuts, all these things make these people ripe for plucking by the WBT$. I've even heard still-in bethelites admit that growth in the US would be negative if they only counted English congregations or separated the language groups on the annual report.

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