it just CHAPS MY ASS!

by writerpen 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • writerpen

    I dedided to post this topic based upon the thread started by JT concerning the latest QFR in a recent Watchtower concerning the submission of women.

    I've made this point before in a post that in the beginning, according to the Bible, God gave both men and women a curse - men to work the fields in sweat making a living, which today entails more than working fields. And women to experience an increase in birth pains along with their husbands dominating them. Well these days, women have to meet men half way on their curse, because it seems that most families cannot make a living without the woman working. 2000 years ago, society was totally different. It seems that men in the "world" are catching onto this reality and have come a long way with their views of women. Today the penis' sitting in Brooklyn need to get their heads out of their asses and respect women. Because if it weren't for women, they would have actually needed to work to make a living.

    Any thoughts on this?

  • Francois

    Yeah, here's a couple of thoughts.

    The GB will never get their heads out of their asses.

    You don't need the GB to validate you, respect you, or anything else. They are irrelevant to your life. Fuck what they think.

    Your husband, does he respect you? I suspect he does.

    Why do you think I'm able to respond in the middle of the day like this? Because I've got a wad of money in the bank, and my wife, the workaholic, is out knocking down a nice income while I stay home and write the book I've always wanted to write, put up a web site so I can make more money, make dinner so it's ready when she gets home, walk our dogs, etc. Do I respect my wife? You betcha ass. Do I need the GB to approve? Not in a pig's ass.

    Get my point?


  • gsx1138

    Hehe, same situation with me Francois. Wife makes a buttload of cash, I get to go to school and take care of my daughter while having my days free. We totally respect each other and would prefer to piss on what the GB or society in general thinks.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    When I first met my husband I made more money than him. In fact, the whole time I "worked" I made more money than him.

    For the last ten years I have been a homemaker and primary caretaker of our children. That's right, I haven't made a dime in 10 years. Does that make me submissive or a slave to our male dominated society? To some females it does. I find that I am pitied and envied at the same time by women. I have even overheard a few snide comments made when I was suppose to be out of earshot.The assumption is made that either I am a rich frump(yeah right, my spouse is truck driver) or that I am a prisoner held hostage by the old fashion idea that kids need to have one parent available to them at all times.

    As for the GB, I really couldn't care less. I certainly didn't factor in those old geezers opinions. Will they change? Most likely not. Especially, with the misogynous bible as their guide.


  • metatron

    I've got a penis! NYAH! NYAH!

    Don't forget the Awake that said women's brains are smaller!

    silly, isn't it? Even more dumb when a mature, educated
    experienced older sister must kowtow to some new boy
    dumbass in a polyester suit.


  • teenyuck

    Exactly, BG...

    There will always be people who find someone else to oppress. For the dubs, it is and will remain women.

    How does 45% of the group tell the other 55% of the group what to do?! It is insane.

  • teenyuck

    PS metaron, I have a penis also. Two actually.

    One is on my husband and the other has batteries.

  • Dawn

    Right on puffsrule!!

    You may HAVE a penis metatron - but do you HAVE CONTROL of it?

  • singsongboi

    Yay!!!! i'm for womens' rights...

    my husband beats me too much!!!!

  • LDH

    Great topic, needs to be bttt.


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