WHO shall survive Armageddon?

by Nathan Natas 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • teenyuck

    Reading all of this has been very helpful.

    I now, totally and compeletly, understand how insidious their teachings are.

    I got a shiver reading about "children of goatish parents" not surviving armageddon.

    They are sick. Mind control at it's finest. Reading this stuff, week after week, year after year is very scary.

    Thank you everyone for your posts. This is a keeper.

  • Reborn2002

    Thanks for the quotes blondie.

    Reasoning Book pages 47-8 Armageddon ***
    What will happen to young children at Armageddon?

    God does not want anyone to be destroyed

    The undedicated children of goatish people will not be spared from execution and being sentenced to Gehenna just because they are themselves minor, unresponsible children. This hard fact is illustrated in the orders that Jehovah God issued to his executioners when apostate Jerusalem was to be destroyed. To his executioners he said: “Pass through the city after him [the man who marked the ones to be spared] and strike. Let not your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion. Old man, young man and virgin and little child and women you should kill off.” And that is what they did, as illustrated in Jerusalem’s destruction, 607 B.C.E.-Ezek. 9:5-7
    because children that do not obey Jehovah will not be among the survivors of that battle. God will not preserve them into his new world merely because they are children. This is evident from the fact that he did not preserve the young children through the flood of Noah’s day just because they were children.
    Loving God my ASS.

    Oh.. and talk about NOT subliminally FORCING children to get baptized? This is a keeper:

    *** w65 3/15 175-6 Our Own Twentieth-Century Generation and the Resurrection ***
    8 The “goats” would also include those husbands and wives who have believing marriage partners but who, in spite of the good example of their believing marriage mates, are found to be still unbelievers in the day and at the hour of the execution of God’s judgment against this enemy world; also, the children of a believing parent or the children of believing parents (fathers and mothers), which children were once “holy” as minors, as unresponsible children, but who have grown up to responsible years and have refused to become dedicated, baptized believers by the time that divine execution upon the “goats” begins.—1 Cor. 7:12-16.
    Goddamn I hate JW's.
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thanks again, everyone. You guys have been very helpful.

    Puffs - good point aboout the insidious effect of the steady drip-drip-drip - an hour at a time, five times a week - that listening to some of these carefully phrased statements will have over time, which is something that the average non-Dub simply cannot understand.

    - Nathan Natas
    UADNA (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America)

  • Reborn2002


    Please be sure to keep us informed on how your conversation with the JW and apologists ends up.

    It should be interesting to see how they squirm, squeal "New Light", or practice evasive tactics and avoid your evidence altogether.

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