
by Francois 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    In principle, a sound idea although the expression Aposto- .... is not something that I would go along with. It has a very negative association this word and says absolutely nothing positive about us as a community of people. Even in business circles or charity sector, the name has no bearing to what we really stand for, it is nothing more than a label stuck on those ones that disagree with WT policy and instigated by them, it is not a name which I would be proud to bear, it sends out completely the wrong image.

    Besides that, would be interesting to see, as long as beers get served in the marquee outside I don't mind.

    And what of the Brits here, anything in the pipeline this summer? Or our neighbours in Europe, anything planned?

    Celtic Mark

  • Francois

    I understand your hesitancy to use the Aposto- word. I'd be willing to consider something else. I'd like to avoid the ex- thing myself. I really don't think of my self as an ex- anything; and I don't want my name associated with that Jehovah creature, even as an ex-.

    So the floor is open for a new name. Or you can vote to keep the old one. It's up to you. And it's all academic unless and until we get some $$$.

    They say that in any group a leader or leaders will naturally appear. OK. Well?

  • Bendrr

    If there's one in Atlanta, I'm there! I'd be glad to help out any way I can. Hey, it would be like old times but with a new twist. Will there be chick-cruising during intermission?


  • Simon

    No, I don't think it would work, as much as I'd like it to.

    What do we all want to sit and listen to? Can't you remember how BORING conventions were? We've left all that nonsense behind us ...

    How about a nice big outing like a picnic where we could all get together and have a game of footy or something?

  • mpatrick

    I am all for a weekend get-away (St. Louis sounds good!) where we have different activities scheduled...like doing the tourist-trap scene. We could all stay at the same hotel and have different activities planned...you could pick and choose which ones you wanted to participate in and which ones you didn't. We could even reserve a conference room and have different speakers for the ones interested in addressing issues...kind of like they do for big company conferences. I went to one for GNC one year in LasVegas...we had parties and presentations and all kinds of cool activities planned...even a formal dinner and dance.

    I would be interested in Lizardsnot's suggestion of "randomn acts of kindness"...now that would be cool. And definitely the smurf name tags!!

    If we decided to do it Cincinnati, I would be more than willing to do all the leg work and preparations. Bobsgirl and I already talked about doing this type of thing over Labor Day weekend!

  • mpatrick

    My husband (never a JW) thinks that we should include a softball game in our scheduled events. He wants to be on the "never that stupid" team and said I could be on the "apostate" team!

  • LB

    Simon is right about this. A good old fashioned picnic is what it takes for a good time. Those who have a need to bitch will have plenty of listening ears still but those who want to play softball will have that too.

    I'll be hanging around the bottom of the water slides awaiting former JW women to slide on down with their dangeriously tiny bikinis. After all someone has to warn them if things are.... out of place.

  • dungbeetle

    the outdoor sessions work fabulously. Like the ones at Golden Gate Park, they are doing very well, and getting bigger every year.

    What I like especially about these events, is that just becasue ten people in one community can't go, then they could pitch in and designate someone to represent them. It would be nice if all fifty states and Canada and Mexico could be represented, if not by 52 people, then however many could go.

    bill is planning some big shindig somewhere in the near fututre, I'm hoping the Germans and the Norwegians and the Fininsh and Aussies and the English and the Japanese and whoever else can all chip in and at least send one person (or couple or family) from their country, maybe more than one.

    It would be just like Draffenville and Ritzville was, everybody paid their own way, tho some shared expenses such as gas and rooms and I'm always willing to do that. That seems to work very very well.

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