Im going to face my JW father...

by tdogg 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • tdogg

    I think today is the day. We havn't spoken for over 2 years. Today I have to go by where he lives and I think I will stop in. I pray that I may have moderation in my demeanor because I dont really know what to expect. It is possible this may be the last time we will ever speak...

    I keep hearing Yoda's voice in my head, " thing reamains, Vader. You must face Vader. Only then Jedi you will be."

  • Kaethra

    Good luck to you TDogg! I know how difficult it is to face family members who are still in. But, you know what? You may be pleasantly surprised. Underneath all of that cult training lies a real human being, and you are his flesh and blood.

    Hugs and encouragement to you!

  • larc


    My heart goes out to you and I wish you the best.

    You will never know if you don't try to make the effort. I know it is scary, but you are taking the risk. I hope it works out well for you.

  • Elders_Kid

    If you only get one thing out of your mouth, make sure you tell him how you feel. Make sure that he knows the pain he has caused. Look him straight in the eyes and tell him he is dead wrong.
    Then remind him that you are still his child, and will always love him.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Listen not to Yoda's voice you must.

    Only 757 more posts, THEN Jedi will you be.

    Note to self: leave lightsaber at home when visiting Dad.

  • tdogg

    And right after that he will be able to get bonus points with the elders by showing how devout he is by throwing his own son to the body. See, I was never DF'd and after I say the things that I probably will say...

    Well, perhaps you are right and there is still a man under the mechanical facade and there may still be good in him. My instinct tells me that I will be taken to the Emperor, but I must face him...

    This is so Return of the Jedi its spooky....

    Thanks for the love

  • Hmmm

    Hate to bring up unpleasant parallels, but in RoTJ, doesn't Luke lose a body part?

    Do you plan on discussing particular doctrinal things, or your feelings in general? Whichever it is, best of fortu.... er, luck to you.


  • out4good3

    That was Empire Strikes Back....

  • noidea


    Please let us know how it turns out. 's


    Member of the: I have ~No-Idea~ class.

  • obiwan

    I know how you feel,I have been considering contacting my Father since the dateline show aired,but I to have those feelings about the emporor.Let us know the outcome.

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