I agree 100% Sam, ex-JWs would be a force to be reckoned with if they were organized.....
how do you really "focus" this many energies on the same direction when they're all on keyboards across the globe? Still, the possibilities are awesome.........
IMHO, it will take a lot more than money, though tons of money never hurts.......but it would take a lot of determination and joined effort......perhaps you should start a "sign-up" sheet of those that would be willing to contribute a small amount for say, 6 months, to see how it went......if you got enough names.........it would be difficult though unless willing posters knew that they weren't going to be the only ones contributing......
I think there are many, many posters here that would contribute if they trusted it was a group effort and were comfortable with the way it was being handled.....there are a lot of strong, passionate people here, I haven't been here long and I've already seen that.....I wouldn't sell them short.....
forgot to add that if you did start a "combat the WTS" list of prospective contributors, you could let them know that they would be no under no obligation to contribute unless the "list" had a minimum of say, 500 signers, at 10 or 20 bucks a month for six months......this way people would know when signing their name that there were going to be at least 499 (or however many) other posters contributing in a concerted effort.....then if enough posters signed, at the end of the 6 months these posters could vote on where they wanted the money to go........
just a thought, a "chain" contribution thread might be cool though......especially if it was going to help someone like shunned father....this man is being literally beat down....
Edited by - deddaisy on 11 June 2002 2:9:6