I love the people who go to my congregation. They are sweet, friendly, and lovable. (Which is one of the things that makes being awake so much easier.) But elderly ones and the sweet friends who are "a little off their rocker", always give the most epic comments. Here are some I can remember.
Dealing with the BIBLE account of circumcision: "Paul had to talk to the Governing Body in NEW YORK in order to know what to write in his letters." (She may have meant Antioch, but it was still funny non-the-less.)
The WT conductor on the talents: "If you don't think 20 talents is a lot of money... well...then keep it to yourself." Said jokingly and laughter ensued.
Before the redesigned website and apps: "If you can run an iPad, then you can run a bible...because they both require fingers!"
Crowning moment of JW droning: "It's better to be wrong WITH the organization, than being correct on your own."
What are some of the best "comments" you've heard? I'll keep jogging my memory. I should write these down when I hear them!